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Chapter Eight


We managed to get out without anyone following us, and we stopped for gas and condoms on the way to Ashburn Valley.

I knew the track was popular, everyone talked about it, but I hadn’t expected it to be so damn big. There were people and cars everywhere, engines roaring as people showed off. The track was sealed but it was in the middle of a massive grassy field, cars parked all over the place.

Drake laced his fingers through mine as he drove towards the back, and my heart hammered as people called out greetings to him through his open window.

It seemed everyone knew everyone here, and I tensed when he reversed beside a few other cars and shut the engine off.

I didn’t know anyone so I hoped Drake didn’t wander off and leave me with strangers.

I’d assumed we’d park away from everyone and fuck.

“C’mon, they’re not that scary,” he chuckled when I remained frozen in my seat, unclipping my seatbelt. He opened his door and I slowly followed, noticing the group of people we parked beside were staring at us. Drake didn’t give a shit as he took my hand and led me towards them, a smirk on his face.

“Where’s my favorite Donovan?”

I almost tripped over at that.

The blonde girl in front of me flipped him the bird, her large hoodie covering her small frame as her face peeked out from under the hood. I didn’t miss the baseball bat in her hand.

“Eat shit. Beckett’s not here, she’s busy. Who the fuck’s this?” She motioned to me with the tip of her bat, and he rolled his eyes.

“Be nice. This is Penn.”

“Penn who? Got yourself a side piece? I’m not surprised. That man of yours is a fucking prick,” she scoffed, the girl beside her smacking her in the arm.


“What?” It seemed she didn’t like Knox. She gave Drake the side eye “I’m surprised you’re out without a supervisor.”

“They don’t know but mind your own business,” Drake grinned. I saw a familiar face walking in our direction, and Drake held out his knuckles as he reached us. “Lopez.”

“Drake. Hey, Penn. They let you out of the basement?” Zavier asked lightly, tilting his head at me. “I’ll hold Drake back if you want to make a break for it.”

He sounded like he was joking, but the look in his eye told me he’d totally do it.

I stepped closer to Drake, tightening my grip on his hand.

“I kind of like this one, but thank you.”

Riley gave Zavier the side eye. “You know her?”

“Penn? We’ve met. Cruz and Drake kidnapped her when they robbed her house. She’s a Kingslake princess,” he replied without missing a beat, and Riley gave me a flat look.

“She doesn’t look kidnapped to me.”

“Stockholm Syndrome. She’s got it bad. You should see her with Cruz,” Zavier teased. The girl beside Riley gave me a warm smile, moving to stand beside me.

“Hey, I’m Luna. Please tell me they’re joking.”

I relaxed at knowing one of them was going to be friendly, releasing my death grip on Drake a little.

“They’re not joking. Stole me right out of my bedroom.”

Her face fell slightly and she glared at Drake.

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