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It did look good, so I held my tray out for the kitchen staff to serve me some, then I followed Leah towards her friends.

We sat down and Leah instantly started pointing to people. “This is Sandra, Jai, and Will. Guys, this is Penn.”

“You’re fucking gorgeous,” Sandra complimented with a smile, and I had no idea how to respond to that.

“Uh, thanks.”

“When did you join?” Jai asked as his gaze ran over me, and I stabbed a fork into my salmon, shoving some into my mouth to avoid answering.

Leah chuckled, waving her hand at them dismissively.

“She’s just a friend, she’s not a thief.”

“Oh?” Jai murmured, leaning across the table with a smirk. “How long are you staying for?”

He was sleazy but not in a creepy way. If I was in the market for a fun night, I’d probably consider him, but Cruz and Drake had made it very obvious that they’d be more than happy to scratch any itches I had.

“Not too sure to be honest. If Stone gets his way I’ll be out by morning,” I replied before shoving more food in my mouth, a tingle racing down my spine as possessive arms draped over my shoulders and lips pressed against my cheek.

“Why didn’t you wake me? You have to stop sneaking out,” Cruz murmured before dropping into the seat beside me, his eyes on Jai. “How long she’s here for is none of your concern.”

Jai’s eyes dropped from me fast but Leah smacked my arm with a gasp.

“You didn’t tell me you were nailing Cruz! Ugh, so lucky.”

“Careful, Leah. Your hoe is showing,” Cruz smirked.

“Hey, your girl was the one I found creeping outside Drake’s door while he got railed. If anyone’s a thirsty bitch, it’s Penn,” she threw back, making me groan.

“For the last time, I wasn’t creeping.”

“I didn’t say I had a problem with it. I like dick, get it girl,” she laughed, and Cruz’s amusement vanished from his face.

“Leah, watch your mouth.”

“It’s a bit hard not to notice shit in this place,” she said vaguely, making me frown.

I turned to ask Cruz what she was talking about but the look he gave me made me shut my mouth.

Jai steered the conversation towards some party he was going to, and Leah snorted when he invited me.

“I can tell you right now she won’t go with you. One, she’s obviously fucking Cruz, and two, he kidnapped her so she can’t just wander around.”

“Leah!” Cruz snapped, but she shrugged casually.

“What? Steal pretty girls, expect people to talk. At least you kidnapped a nice one. I like her.”

“Can you keep your voice down?”

“I don’t think a bunch of professional thieves are likely to report you to the authorities for stealing a person who isn’t exactly screaming to get away from you,” she deadpanned, giving me a wink. “I bet she screams for you at bed time though.”

“You’re dead to me,” I grumbled and finished my food as snickers went around the table.

Cruz’s fingertips tickled the back of my neck as he leaned closer to speak in my ear.

“You going to scream for me, baby?”

“I won’t fake it to boost your ego,” I said with a straight face, biting the inside of my cheek to stop myself from moaning as his lips brushed my neck, his teeth nipping my skin.

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