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My butt hurt like hell.

I wanted a bath but decided against it with my cuts, so I padded in the direction of the kitchen, pausing outside of Drake’s room, my eyes widening as something crashed and groaning started.

I almost flung the door open, thinking he was hurt, but then he spoke.

“Fuck, Knox. Right there. Fuck, harder.” I jerked back as if I was the one who’d been busted, running into someone and only just holding back a shriek.

The girl gave me an amused look, reaching a hand out to stop me from landing on my ass.

“Wow, creeping outside their door’s a stupid idea if you’re trying to stay out of trouble. You’re the new girl, right?”

Drake and Knox got louder and I cringed.

“I’m heading to the kitchen. I thought Drake was in trouble.”

“Trust me, that man’s middle name is trouble. I’m heading to the kitchen too, c’mon,” she smiled, hooking her arm in mine as if we were besties. “My name’s Leah.”

“I’m Penn,” I replied as I allowed her to basically drag me along the hallway. “You probably shouldn’t be talking to me. It seems to get people in trouble.”

“Stone’s never excluded new recruits before. What did you do to deserve that?” she hummed, glancing at me when I stayed quiet. “What? Did you kill someone on arrival?”

“I’m not a recruit,” I said carefully, realizing Stone hadn’t been honest with the rest of the Night Thieves. “They sort of kidnapped me. That’s not common knowledge here?”

“Girl, what the fuck? Stone kidnapped you? I know he likes to steal shit, but this is getting ridiculous,” she said with a scoff, tightening her grip on my arm as she stopped walking. “Is that why you’re not exactly social?”

“Bit hard to be social when I’m supposed to stay locked in Cruz’s room. Stone doesn’t want me here but Drake and Cruz thought it was the best idea since I caught them robbing my house,” I offered, and I swore her eyes almost fell out of her head.

“No shit?”

“No shit. Penelope Whitlock, at your service,” I deadpanned, relieved when Leah grinned.

“You’re not exactly mad about being here, are you? I saw you leave with Drake and Cruz yesterday so are you a prisoner or a friend?”

“To you? I can be a friend. I’m a prisoner to Stone though so expect him to tell you to get away from me,” I warned, but she rolled her eyes and started tugging me along the hallway again.

“I can handle Stone.”

We walked into the kitchen to find it busy with people eating dinner, and I didn’t realize how late in the afternoon it was until I glanced at the microwave clock. It was almost six. Apparently dinner time was a group thing, and there were close to fifty people sitting around tables and chatting amongst themselves. There was kitchen staff serving food onto trays too which surprised me. I’d only been in here when it was only a few people.

“Leah, who’s this?”

Leah steered me past a few people who’d noticed us, and she threw a smile over her shoulder.

“Let us get food and we’ll join you.” I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to eat this stuff but Leah gave me a knowing look. “You can’t starve. Grab a tray and pile up whenever you want.”

“Stone’s going to kill me,” I said with a sigh, earning a light laugh.

“Don’t be silly. Get what you want and sit with me.”

“I don’t even know what half of this food is,” I admitted, her brow creasing.

“How long have you been locked up?”

“My whole life. I tried sneaking out weekly but it wasn’t always easy to do.”

“Well, I think you should try the Salmon with asparagus, then add some of the salad on the side. It’s really good.”

I’d had salmon before but not with fancy seasoning and this portion was way bigger.

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