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Her begging burned me to the core as her father fought to keep her under control, and for a second I almost believed her. She looked terrified, but Louis had warned me about this. She’d spent years fighting medications, even showing me lists of things she’d been prescribed.

No wonder she was messed up if she’d stopped taking them. She was on some strong shit.

Her screaming and begging continued as she reached for me, and she became hysterical as he hauled her outside to where his car was waiting.

I raked a hand through my hair once she was out of sight, shaking my head slightly at knowing she’d been fooling us this whole time.

The guys wouldn’t believe that, so I’d have to get creative about it.

It had been difficult not to react when he’d slapped her, but how was I any better? I’d gotten rough with her too.

Once I heard the car leave, I blew out a breath and glanced down at the gun. If I went back without her, they’d chase her down. If she’d attacked me though? They were more likely to take my side and leave her.

“I can’t believe I’m fucking doing this,” I scowled, holding my arm out and aiming the gun at it. Penn was a terrible shot so even just a skimmed bullet would be believable.

I fired and the bullet hit my arm, making me curse as the white-hot pain coursed through me. I’d been shot multiple times over the years but it never hurt any less.

My ears rang from the pain and I pulled my shit off to wrap around the wound, giving myself a moment before leaving the warehouse and heading back to the compound.

It was a relief to finally be rid of her, but guilt ate at me for betraying my guys like this.

It could never come out that I’d handed her over or they’d never forgive me, even if it was for her own good.

The Kings were still lingering in the yard when I arrived, and Cruz frowned when he noticed me walking towards them. At least it seemed everyone had relaxed and my compound wasn’t being shot to shit anymore.

“What are you doing back? Where’s Penn?”

“Trust you to fall for the Devil,” I said gruffly as I started making up the lie I’d decided on, glancing at Rage Evans. “Are you done destroying my compound? You can fuck off, the princess went home.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Cruz snapped, getting in my face. “What did you do?!”

“Me? I didn’t do shit. She freaked out about the Kings killing everyone and begged me to take her to her father to keep you idiots safe.”

The lie flowed from me smoothly, but I stumbled as Cruz shoved me.

“You gave her back to him? She’d never do that!”

“She actually did it?” Drake asked softly as he joined us, his broken eyes on me. “She said she could but I told her we had it handled.”

“Wait,” Cruz said with confusion. “She offered to leave?”

I nodded, motioning to my arm. “Yeah, she was telling Drake and Knox about it when you ran off to check the footage. She came here willingly but I won’t hold her hostage if she wants to go home. I’m sorry guys. I offered to break her out later but she said she doesn’t want to come back. I tried to reason with her but she went ballistic. See? She fucking shot me.”

Drake was easy to convince because he was sensitive about people leaving him, and Knox had major trust issues so he’d easily believe she’d turned her back on them, but Cruz eyed me suspiciously.

“How’d you drop her off in Kingslake and get back here so fast?”

“I didn’t. We met him in the Heights.”

“You had his number?” Shit.

“No, Penelope knows it. She called him off her phone before throwing it out the window. Your little girlfriend’s crazy, dude. She was crying, then insisting she was fine, then she got excited about going home. You dodged a bullet, unlike me,” I scoffed, Cruz’s face softening as he assessed me.

“Jesus, show me.” He was wearing down, and once I unwrapped the shirt from my arm, he grimaced. “Fuck, she did that? What the hell made her flip?”

“Beats me. Her father said she’s been off her meds for a while now and she manipulates people easily. She got her kicks with you guys, but it wasn’t real. She’s not all there in the head, man. She needs help.”

Rage glared at us, the gun in his hand twitching as if he was considering shooting us.

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