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“You wanted to upset Daddy Dearest? Take some bad boys for a ride? Taste some danger? Congratulations, you got your wish. Was it everything you’d hoped for? Playing your sick little games with my guys?” He punched the steering wheel, the car jerking to the left a little.

“What are you talking about?” I cried as panic burned in my chest.

“I spoke with your father last night,” he said bluntly. “I’d hoped to smooth things over about Cruz and Drake breaking into his fucking house. You know what I found out?”

“He’s lying. Whatever he said—”

“The world hardly knows you exist because you’ve spent most of it in facilities and on medication because you’re a fucking nut case. Your fiance is freaking out because he’s been trying to help you but you ran.”

“Fiance? I don’t have a fiance! He’s lying to you!” I pleaded, tears burning my eyes. “Don’t take me back to Dad. Leave me here, I won’t come back to the compound, just don’t—”

“Penelope! You’re sick, he’s only trying to help you!” he snapped, trying to calm himself. “I won’t let you play this charade any longer, and my guys don’t need this bullshit. How long until you would’ve left them for the next thrill? You’re not thinking clearly, you’re living in a fake reality.”

I scrambled to pull my phone from my pocket to call one of the guys but he snatched it and wound down his window, throwing it out without a second thought.

I let the tears fall as I tried the door handle to find it locked, Stone’s voice almost gentle.

“Go home where you belong. You need help. You’re lucky to have a family who care about you.”

“Just because I have family, doesn’t mean I’m lucky. You’re putting me back in that cage that I fought so hard to escape, condemning me to a life of misery and abuse. Do you understand that? I’m going to be forced to marry and fuck a man I don’t know, where he beats me into submission, and I’ll probably overdose by the time I’m thirty because I couldn’t do it any longer.” He didn’t answer but it was obvious he was listening so I continued. “Money is poison, it turns a person's soul black and their morals die alongside it. You don’t have to take me back to the compound, but please don’t let my father take me.”

I thought I’d gotten through to him until we turned into the driveway of the abandoned warehouse, parking out the back where he finally slid his eyes to mine.

“I’m sorry, but you’re not my problem and I need to protect my guys.” He climbed out of the car and walked around to my side, grabbing my bicep to drag me out too.

“Let me go!” I screamed, but I knew no one would come and save me. Not here in the Heights where everyone minded their own business.

He dragged me inside where I came face-to-face with my father, and Stone kept a firm grip on me as he scowled at Dad.

“You can pay for the fucking damage to my compound, asshole. I said no bullets.”

“The Kings don’t exactly play by the rules,” Dad said with a snort, his eyes on me. “Penelope, you’ve caused a lot of trouble.”

“Stone, please,” I begged, clinging to him as he tried to push me off. “Don’t leave me with him.”

Guilt flickered in his eyes before he fished the gun from my pants and shoved me away, my wrist hurting as I landed on the ground.

“I won’t let you bring my guys down with you. You’ve had your fun, now leave them alone.”

“I wasn’t having fucking fun with them! I love—”

He didn’t react when Dad slapped me and hauled me to my feet, his angry eyes on mine.

“Stop speaking such lies. Your fiance is worried sick about you. He’s being very understanding about the fact you ran off with those boys, but have the decency not to speak of them like that. This is why we keep you locked up, Penelope. You’re a danger to yourself and those around you. What if they were serial killers and you just jumped straight into their car? I knew you’d been throwing up your medication but you’ll be monitored more properly from now on.” He turned to Stone, offering a hand to shake. “Thank you for bringing her back to me. She won’t be a problem for you again.”

“My guys are in the clear?” Stone asked, and Dad handed over a tape.

“That’s the only copy of Drake and Cruz breaking into my house. Stay off my property.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

“Stone,” I said, my voice cracking as I fought my emotions back. “Please.”

“Enough,” Dad scolded, gripping my arm painfully. “You’ll be back to normal in a couple of weeks. The doctor’s waiting so we need to go.”

“No,” I sobbed as he tried dragging me towards the door. “No! Stone! Don’t leave me!”


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