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Knox flipped me off and finished his waffles, and Cruz grabbed us both some breakfast before sitting opposite us and sliding a plate in front of me.

“We’ll figure this out. Maybe we can make some evidence about your father’s crimes disappear in exchange for him leaving you alone? I don’t like doing deals with people like that, but I’ll do it to keep you safe.”

“No, we need all the evidence we can get in case it helps get him locked up,” I argued, and Leah sat beside Cruz, ignoring the dirty look from Jai.

“I think Cruz is right, it’s worth the trade. If your father’s reputation is more important to him than you are, I think it’s a good way to make him back off fast.”

“I say we send the Psychos after him,” Drake shrugged, and Knox rolled his eyes.

“Considering Whitlock broke into their house and they’ve done us a lot of favors lately, I don’t think so. We have connections through the law so why don’t we try that? We got by perfectly fine without the crews before you assholes got chummy with them.”

“Don’t like our chances,” Cruz sighed, glancing at Leah. “Stone’s been working you guys like dogs. You’ve hardly been around.”

“Ugh, I know,” she huffed, motioning to Jai. “We got to come back but Sandra and Will are still on a job. I heard you’ve hardly been working.”

“It’s been a little difficult with stalkers and assassins,” Drake said dryly, giving me a wink. “And our girl’s hot so we don’t like leaving her behind.”

“Don’t use me as an excuse for being lazy,” I scowled, shoving food into my mouth.

“I’m not lazy. You know I’ve got good stamina,” he winked, just as an alarm sounded.

Everyone flew to their feet, my eyes on Cruz as he rounded the table to keep me between him and Drake.

“What’s that?” I asked with worry as everyone started scrambling.

“Someone’s here without permission. Stay with me,” he ordered, shouting instructions to Leah and some of the others before dragging me out of the room with Knox and Drake, heading for the bedrooms.

They loaded up on weapons that they seemed to pull out of nowhere, my heart smashing against my ribcage as Cruz placed one in my hand.

“I’m not trained properly! Ask Stone, I can't hit shit!”

“Aim and shoot,” he said calmly, kissing my forehead. “We’ll keep you safe, but it’s just in case of an emergency okay?”

Stone materialized in the doorway as I slid the gun down the back of my pants, his voice sharp.

“It’s the Shadow Kings MC.”

“What the fuck do they want?” Knox demanded as Stone flicked his gaze to me.

“Apparently the princess’ daddy wants her back badly enough to hire muscle.”

“You spoke to Rage?” Cruz asked as we started making our way along the hallway. I knew exactly who Rage Evans was, his MC Clubhouse was in Stoneleigh, and he was one of the scariest guys I’d ever seen.

“Yeah, he called me and said we can bring her out and he won’t kill anyone, or we can try to defend her and die. I told you she should've gone home,” Stone snapped, dread pooling inside of me.

“You’re handing me over?”

“And let that asshole think I’m scared of him? Fat chance,” Stone snorted, his eyes narrowed. “This doesn’t change a thing. I don’t want you here.”


A window smashed and people shouted as gunfire sounded outside, Cruz yanking me against him so I could hear him over the noise.

“Stay with Drake and Knox! I need to check the security footage to see what we’re dealing with!”

“Be careful!” I called back, giving him a quick kiss as he ran in the direction of the office, Drake taking my hand and pulling me along instead.

Knox cursed when another alarm sounded, his voice gruff.

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