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I leaned forward on my elbow, giving him a bored look.

“And we’ll show up on your doorstep with the Psychos and Devils to undo your entire skin trade organization if you don’t leave her alone.”

I didn’t miss the worry that flashed in his eyes, but it was gone within seconds.

“You can’t prove shit. Bring my daughter home or that footage goes viral.” He stormed off and glanced at Drake who was watching me with worry.

“Do you think he has footage? We wiped everything.”

“Maybe he had something set up that was offline and recorded to a tape,” I answered. “He could’ve overheard your name in our conversation, but then he would have bluffed and assumed I’d taken her too, not someone else. We need to talk to Stone.”

“No way in fucking hell, he’ll only send her home to save the drama,” Drake argued, our food forgotten as we stood and I tossed a handful of bills on the table.

“If this is going to turn into a police issue, we can’t keep it from him. C’mon, let’s go home before any other kooky fuckers start their shit tonight.”

Chapter Twenty


“Girl, avoid breakfast,” Leah murmured as I opened Cruz’s bedroom door the next morning and almost ran into her. Cruz’s hands squeezed my waist gently to encourage me to step into the hallway so he could shut the door, his voice wary.

“Why? What’s happened now?”

“You too, Cruz. Apparently Louis Whitlock cornered Knox and Drake in the Squashed Melon last night and threatened them to send Penn home. Stone is flipping the fuck out,” she explained, and Cruz snorted.

“He can’t prove shit. She’s an adult, he can’t force her to go home.”

“No? He claims he has footage of you and Drake kidnapping her,” she answered as we started walking towards the kitchen, terror racing through me, but Cruz shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal.

“He’s lying.”

“He knew one was Drake and the other was someone else, not Knox. He’s not bluffing,” she hissed as Jai joined us, tugging her away from me with a scowl.

“Leah, stay out of it. The last thing we need is Stone dragging us into this shit.”

“Fuck you, she’s my friend,” Leah argued, shaking him off.

Cruz kept me close as he slung an arm around my shoulders and steered me into the kitchen, Stone’s dark eyes sliding our way instantly.

“Penelope, a word.”

“After breakfast,” Cruz said with a bite of warning. “Then you can yell.”

“My office when you’re done,” Stone growled and stalked from the room, people wincing and whispering as doors slammed along the hallway.

Drake and Knox were sitting at one of the tables, and I dropped my arms around Drake’s shoulders, giving him a quick kiss.

“I heard you guys had trouble last night. I’m sorry.”

“It was no trouble. Apparently you need to get back on your meds,” Knox said dryly, question flickering in his eyes. He didn’t want to believe my father but he didn’t trust me either.

“I’m not medicated. If he kept pills around the house, he knew I’d just use them to overdose and end my miserable life,” I said without hesitation, Drake tensing in my hold. “Sorry, It’s always been a joke that I’d take after my sister. Won’t lie, I’d considered it a few times.”

“You promised you wouldn’t leave me. Death kinda feels a little like leaving me,” Drake scowled, tugging me down beside him and lifting his avocado toast to my mouth.

I took a bite, chewing before replying.

“I don’t feel the need to now. Despite that grumpy bastard ruining my mood and Knox being a dick regularly, it’s not that bad here.”

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