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“That’s disgusting.”

Because they poop a lot, Kris clarified.

“Thanks,” Ayaan said, wrinkling her nose.

Anne approached their small party, her eyes flicking to Cooper and Simion who were following Leeza and Kris at a distance. “Thank you for agreeing to see me.”

“Of course,” Leeza said warmly, kissing Anne on the cheek. She really did want to get to know Anne better. Havel had very little family and he liked to keep Babi and Anne close, which made them a priority for Leeza too.

Anne’s eyes lingered on Kris, her brow wrinkling. “I didn’t know he was coming with you.”

Leeza clutched Kris’s shoulder protectively. “I hope it’s not a problem.”

Anne seemed distracted as she looked around. “I’m only worried the restaurant won’t accommodate a child. Perhaps one or two of your bodyguards should take him for fast food while we have a private lunch.”

“Absolutely not,” Leeza said sharply, starting to think she should cancel their lunch date. She despised when people made Kris a problem. “He eats a lot of different foods. He’ll be fine with the restaurant. Besides, my cousin owns the place across the road, and he loves Kris. We can eat there.”

Anne seemed to realize she was offending Leeza. “I’m so sorry. I’m being rude. Of course they’ll accommodate him. Shall we go?”

Leeza hesitated, then nodded. She tried to take Kris’s hand, but he pulled away and took several steps from her. It wasn’t an unusual move for him, but it unnerved her after Anne’s comments. Something was niggling at the back of her mind, something that made her hair stand on end.

She shrugged the feeling off and walked next to Anne as they weaved their way through the market, heading toward the restaurant.

“How have you been?” Leeza asked. “How is Babi?”

“Babi’s fine,” Anne said dismissively, her eyes on the road ahead of them. They’d have to cross it to get to the restaurant.

The conversation lapsed and Leeza searched for something else to say, but Kris saved her by shouting, “Momma!” Turning, she saw him pointing at a kiosk that sold stuffed animals. She nodded at Ayaan who took his hand and led him to the stall.

“I have something I need to tell you.” Anne glanced over her shoulder at Cooper and Simion who were standing a few feet away, their gazes sweeping the crowd around them. “Privately,” she added.

Leeza debated for a second, then decided listening to Anne couldn’t hurt. “Give me a minute alone,” she said to her bodyguards. Cooper nodded, though his gaze sharpened on them as Anne pulled Leeza away.

Anne fidgeted, her hands clasping and unclasping in front of her. “I hope I’m doing the right thing.”

“What are you talking about?” Leeza squeezed Anne’s hand. “You can tell me whatever you want. I’m your friend.” It was a stretch, but maybe they’d get closer over time.

Anne’s face softened, some of the tension falling away. “You’re always so nice to me, which is why I can’t let you stay there with him.”

Leeza frowned. “I don’t know what you mean. Can’t stay where?”

“With Havel,” Anne said urgently. “He’s a murderer, you know.”

“What?” What the hell was Anne talking about?

Okay, yes Havel killed people, and Leeza had to assume his cousin had at least some idea of what he did for a living. He didn’t keep his mafia affiliations secret. In a hushed voice Leeza said, “What are you talking about?”

“I have a plan to help you escape.”

“Escape?” The idea was ludicrous. She was happy with Havel and even if she wasn’t, there was no chance he’d let her leave.

“Yes, I have a plan.” Anne’s expression took on a determined look. She grabbed Leeza’s hand and pulled her further from her bodyguards. “Your husband is waiting for you.”


Leeza waved at Kris as he ran toward her, a purple stuffed animal in his arms. “Havel?” Leeza asked, trying to keep up with her conversation with Anne while her gaze followed Kris.


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