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“I don’t care,” she said quickly. “Just let me help and I’ll prove to you I can do it. I’ll be your office administrator to start. I’ll take over HR. Whatever you want me to do. It’ll free up your time for more important things if you don’t have to be the guy who restocks the photocopier.”

She knew she had him. Havel hated the kind of small jobs she was describing.

“Okay,” he grunted, scooping her up and depositing her in the tub. He gave her an intimidating stare. “You can add working with the team on operations planning to the list, but ignore my orders even once and I’ll bruise that ass before firing it.”

“Deal.” She grinned, grabbed his head and kissed him hard. “My first task as head of HR is going to be to rehire Ayaan. I can’t believe you fired my bodyguard!”


“Are you listening to me?” Havel demanded.

It had been three weeks since Leeza started working for Guard Dog Securities and she was about to take her first day off. Not that she wanted to, but Havel insisted. She loved working there so much she brought work home in the evenings. If she could bring Kris to the office with her, she would never leave, but Guard Dog wasn’t the best place for a child to hang out. The guys were rough and there were weapons everywhere.

Leeza sighed and shoved her Gucci sunglasses onto her head. “You said I should keep eyes on all three of my bodyguards and I should give them time to secure all entrances to all buildings before we enter.” She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at his overprotectiveness, but if he thought she wasn’t taking him seriously then he’d never let her leave the building. “I don’t understand why I have to have them anymore. You said I was good in the boxing ring and I’ve learned so much. I’m practically a bodyguard already.”

Ayaan snorted from next to Leeza, prompting Leeza to glare at her. “You want to try me?”

Havel tapped Leeza’s forehead, catching her attention. “That attitude’s the reason you still need bodyguards. Too fucking cocky.”

“Havel!” she said sharply, looking pointedly at Kris.

Havel gripped her by the waist and dragged her to him, bending to catch her lips, kissing her in a way that promised more for later. He let her go, caressing her ass as she walked away from him.

A sigh left her lips as she, Ayaan and Kris stepped onto the elevator.

“Gross,” Ayaan said.

Fucking cocky, fucking cocky, fucking cocky, Kris signed.

Ayaan burst out laughing and Leeza smothered a smile while she admonished her son. You should not repeat Havel’s bad language, baby. Teach him some better words instead.

Kris grinned. Fucking cocky means he was calling you arrogant, right mom?

She smiled proudly at her intelligent son. It does indeed and you should tell him that because he’s just as arrogant as I am, if not more.

Ayaan was laughing so hard that when the elevator arrived on the ground floor, she was choking. Leeza slapped her hard on the back, shoving her out of the elevator. “Get it together, bodyguard. You have to work your way back into Havel’s good graces, so you better start being more serious.”

Ayaan sobered. “How is it that your stupid plan to rescue Havel landed me in hot water but you got a job out of it?”

Making sure her son wasn’t listening, Leeza answered, “It’s because I’m banging the boss which makes him happy. You don’t do much to stay on his good side.” They approached Simion and Cooper who would accompany them.

“The only good side he has belongs to you,” Ayaan muttered checking her gun before holstering it under her jacket.

The first thing on Leeza’s list of errands was a trip to the supply shop where she spent a delightful hour choosing office supplies for Guard Dog and paying for them with the company credit card. It felt so official and businessy that a thrill went through Leeza when the salesperson handed her back the card and a receipt. This was exactly what she was meant to be doing with her life. Well, not necessarily shopping for office supplies, but helping Havel run his business.

While they were shopping, she helped Kris pick out a package of pencil crayons and a children’s paleontology set.

“Where to next?” Ayaan asked. “Lunch?”

Leeza checked the time. “I’m meeting Anne for lunch in the market square in fifteen minutes.”

Ayaan frowned but didn’t reply. Ayaan had never warmed up to Anne. Where Ayaan was vibrant and confident, Anne was quiet and insecure. Ayaan had told Leeza that she thought Anne had a crush on Havel and, while Leeza suspected the same thing, she saw no ill-intent in Anne’s desire to get to know Leeza better.

“Be nice to her,” Leeza said as they made their way to the market. Catching sight of Anne, Leeza waved. “She could use some friends.”

“If you start picking up strays, I’ll ask to be moved from your bodyguard detail.”

“Try it,” Leeza countered. “Havel’s still annoyed at you. You’ll find yourself scrubbing toilets at Guard Dog and I’ve seen how much those guys can eat.”

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