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“That’s impossible.” He seemed to think about it, his frown deepening. “How do you know?”

She didn’t know, but she knew enough about her ex-husband’s insecurities to hit him where it hurt. He was terrified of Havel, which was why he’d grabbed Leeza while her burly new husband was nowhere in sight.

“Havel always knows where I am,” she said confidently.

Adam studied her, his frown slowly melting away. “You’re lying to distract me. He can’t know where you are. I’ve kept this place hidden for a long time. No one knows about it except her.” His dispassionate gaze landed on Anne’s body and Leeza swallowed, averting her eyes.

He edged around the table toward her feet and she kicked out at him, but once again he was too fast.

His gaze never leaving her, Adam picked up the Viagra bottle, popped the top off and shook several pills into the palm of his hand. “We’re going to have a very good night together and, if you’re good, in the morning, we’ll discuss our future.”

To swallow the pills, he tipped his head back. The second his eyes left her, Leeza used the piece of glass to saw at the zip-tie pinning her to the table. The second it snapped open, she leapt to the floor, rushing to the opposite side of the table from him and holding out her jagged weapon.

He gasped, his face whitening as he looked quickly away.

It took her a moment to realize what was wrong. Blood! She’d cut herself while handling the glass. The rush of adrenalin razing through her had stopped her from feeling the pain.

“You don’t get to touch me!” she snarled hoarsely, then jabbed the glass into her other arm, dragging it down to her wrist, stopping short of the vein.

She held her arm up, allowing the blood to trickle up her arm to her shoulder where it soaked into the collar of her shirt. Transferring the glass to her other hand, she smeared the blood over her chest and face.

Gagging, Adam stumbled back and averted his gaze as he sucked in gulps of air through his mouth.

Good, he wouldn’t touch her while she was covered in blood. “Hemophobia is a pretty big weakness for a member of the Bratva, isn’t it?” She eyed the door behind him. If she could draw him closer to her side of the table, she might be able to get past him to the door. “Is that why your uncle rejected you and sent you to Krystoff?”

“I chose you!” His eyes remained on the floor, but he edged closer. “I marked you as mine and Krystoff Koba gifted you to me.”

“What kind of a man marries a woman who doesn’t want him?” A wave of dizziness washed over her and she had to blink it away. She needed to escape before she lost consciousness. “You were too much of a pussy to take me on a date like a real man.”

“Shut up!” he screamed, looking up, his gaze going to her arm where the blood continued to trickle. He swayed on the spot and closed his eyes. “Wrap your fucking arm before you bleed to death, you stupid whore.”

“I would rather bleed to death that let you touch me again.”

“Dramatic, dear wife,” he replied. “But you’re lying. You wouldn’t take your own life and leave our son.”

“He’s not yours,” she snarled. “All you ever did for him was donate sperm. You were never the father Havel is.”

“I never wanted the defective idiot,” Adam sneered, rounding the table toward her. “I only want you.”

“You’ll never have me!” She backed away, holding the glass out.

He lunged for her, grabbing her. She twisted, struggled, struck out with the glass, but he held firm. He slammed her wrist on the table forcing her to drop the glass.

She swung at him with her free hand, but he ducked and slammed her backwards onto the table. It shuddered under the force. Climbing on top of her, he pinned her, his expression triumphant.

“Now, you’re mine!”


The table splintered beneath them and they crashed to the floor.

Leeza took the brunt of the fall, her back hitting the shattered wood and cement, Adam’s body landing on top of hers, pushing the air from her lungs.

Adam rolled off her, groaning.

Leeza tried to crawl away but he recovered quickly, grabbing a fistful of her hair and dragging her backwards into his embrace.

“You’re right,” he said in a strained voice. “Hemophobia is a weakness, but I’ve spent a lifetime dealing with it. I have my ways around it.” He gripped her bloody arm and forced it behind her back until it was no longer visible. Still, he had trouble looking at her face, which was smeared in blood.

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