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They went swiftly through the first floor, finding only rooms with rotting wood floors and water damaged walls. They continued moving, checking room after room until they found an apartment that was clearly inhabited. The sharp scent of astringent and bleach seared his nostrils. “We’ve found him,” Havel said grimly.

They searched the apartment quickly, but it produced no clues to where Adam might be holding Leeza. “Not here,” Simion grunted.

Havel nodded. “Let’s go.”

They searched the rest of the building, but didn’t find Adam, Leeza or Anne.

“Where the fuck are they?” Havel snarled his frustration. “They have to be here.”

“I’ve got something!” A voice called out to them. “A Hidden door in the wall.”

Startled, Havel snapped his gun up, then lowered it when it registered that it was Halil shouting from down the hall.

“Over here!”

* * *

“She’ll be fine,” Adam muttered. “She’s taken much worse than this and gotten back up.” There was a hint of pride in his voice.

Leeza kept her eyes shut and tried to regulate her breathing. She wanted to appear unconscious so she could plan her attack. Thank god he hadn’t done more damage when he punched her. She’d felt the world slip away for a few seconds but was conscious as he lifted her off the floor and placed her on the table.

She felt weak and dizzy from the blows but determined to find a way out.

The air shifted as Adam moved away, and she slitted her eyes, watching him from between her lashes. She squeezed her hand around the shard of glass she’d picked up off the floor after he’d shattered the mirror. She held her breath hoping he wouldn’t notice.

His back was turned as he unlocked a cabinet and, setting his gun down, started rifling through it.

She shut her eyes as he approached but heard him place items on the table at her feet.

She suppressed a shudder when she heard the telltale rattle of a pill bottle. Viagra. He was planning on raping her.

In the past, when that bottle came out, she freed her mind and let it drift away. She never resisted. Now, she would fight him to the death if she had to.

His death, not hers.

He moved closer and she tried to breathe normally, willing the panic away. The scent of bleach attacked her nostrils and she had to consciously command herself not to wrinkle her nose against it.

She felt him hovering over her and forced herself to stay still as he ran his hands down her length, curving them over her hips and breasts, as if checking her for damage.

“Have to be more careful,” he muttered.

His hand landed on her wrist and she heard the sound of plastic against plastic as he secured it to the table.

She had to act now, before he tied her other wrist.

As he moved to the other side of the table, she tensed, squeezing her hand around the shard of glass.

The air stirred as he leaned over her other wrist, his breath touching her, making the hair on her arm stand on end.

This was her chance! Opening her eyes, she arced her fist toward him, the glass aimed at his face.

She missed as he reflexively leapt back.

She struggled upright, holding her jagged piece of glass in front of her with a shaking hand. “Don’t touch me!” She yanked at the wrist that was attached to the table, but she couldn’t get it loose. She needed to cut it with the glass, but to do that, she’d have to lower her weapon.

Adam’s eyes gleamed as he watched her, his gaze raking her body, his expression gleeful. “We’re alone and no one knows we’re here. No one will ever find us. We can finally be together.”

“You know better than that.” She tried to keep her voice calm and sure. “Havel’s on his way here right now.”

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