Page 67 of Mr. Hotness

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Alana shook her head. She didn’t blame him at all. What she had done was horrible. She wouldn’t even speak to her if the roles were reversed.

She had blocked his business and personal pages on social media. She had heard people say that social media was the devil, and they weren’t lying.

“We had something good. We could be ourselves with each other. I really got to know London Keith, not Mr. Hotness. He’s a great guy, and I really miss him.”

“I’m going to ask you again: What are you going to do? Leave him alone and move on with your life, or go after your man?” Sofie asked.

Alana couldn’t imagine moving on. She didn’t want to be with any other man. Hell, she grew angry inside just thinking of some other woman taking her place.

She pounded her fist on the table and declared, “I’m going after my man!”

No more would she mourn the loss of their relationship. She was going to fix this. London was hers, and she was going to fight for him.

“Damn straight you are.” Grinning, Sophie mimicked Alana’s action and pounded her fist on the table. “And how are you going to do that?”

Alana froze.

How would she go about getting London back?

Briefly, she thought of driving out to his home in the suburbs and banging on the door, demanding he take her back, but she knew that wouldn’t work.

Sofie was right. Most of their relationship had been spent having lots of sex. Hell, with a man who looked like him, and was good at giving her orgasms, could anyone blame her?

She thought back to the times they shared things with each other. There were some nights—after a raunchy round of sex—they would stay up all night, talking about their childhood to their college years, and fun things they liked to do.

But one thing stood out to her.

Their first non-date.

A plan formed in her head.

“I know what it is I should do.” She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and grabbed her purse.

Sofie’s eyes lit up with excitement. “What?”

“Come on.” Quickly clearing off their table, they exited the coffee shop, and Alana led the way down the street.

“Where are we going?” Sofie laughed, trying to keep up with her.

A few minutes later, they arrived at her favorite book store.

With Sofie hot on her heels, Alana made a beeline for the records section of the store, her heart racing. One thing London had said was that he missed old-school music. She thought of the expression on his face when he spoke of how he and his parents enjoyed listening to it together.

She would give him that. If he never wanted to talk to her again, she would make sure he had one thing that would comfort him with thoughts of home.


“Old records?” Sofie questioned, scratching her head. “I’m lost.”

“He’s in to old-school music. It has to do with his childhood.” Alana began browsing through the records, not sure of what all to get, but she was certain of one album she had to find. She just prayed it hadn’t been sold yet.

“Oh, is that what you’re going to do to that man? Break him down to where he has no choice but to take you back?” Eyes alight, Sofie started going through the albums in front of her. “I like your style, sis.”

Alana grinned, feeling excited for the first time in a while. This had to work.

Another plan popped up into her head.

She froze for a moment and knew it would be something she needed to do, but she wasn’t too sure if she could pull it off.

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