Page 105 of Freak Show

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I would never learn the game of football.

But it looked like I had an extra month or so to figure everything out.

With two sisters not able to work and one on the lam, Keene had no other choice but to shut the circus down.

Speaking of the one on the lam…she was still nowhere to be found.

What was found, though, was a note that came in the mail. A letter that actually reached us because we’d been parked in the middle of nowhere, Kentucky for the last seven days.

All the note said was: It wasn’t me. But I might’ve found out who did.

Slone wasn’t too sure about her note, thinking maybe she did it to cover her tracks. But again, I knew my sister. She wasn’t the type of girl to not own up to her shit.

Needless to say, we didn’t get anywhere with anything. We were in limbo.

And that kind of sucked.


Four days later

The cats were both home. In my home.

After hearing Ari’s wishes about wanting the cats with her, I’d had a hell of a fence installed. As in, no one short of a plane was going to get over it without a considerable amount of effort.

I looked like I was trying to mimic Fort Knox.

Speaking of cats, both of them were lying on my couches.

I couldn’t wait for Briley to get home.

Not that I’d leave her alone with them, but I’d definitely let her be around them as long as I was in the room.

Speaking of my baby…

My phone rang and I answered it immediately with a smile on my face.

“Hey, baby,” I answered my phone. “How are you?”

Ari looked up from her sprawl against me, a huge smile filling her face at the thought of Briley.

Yes, I fuckin’ loved her. I fuckin’ loved even more that she was excited to hear from my daughter.

“Daddy.” Briley sighed. “I think I broke my arm.”

My stomach all but sank. “What happened?”

She sighed. “I was jumping on the trampoline. When I came down one time, something happened, and I fell. I stuck my arm out…”

I winced as I listened to the rest of her explanation.

“Are you okay now, though?”

“Yeah, about that…” she trailed off.

After listening to the rest of her explanation, I immediately pushed upward and headed for my shoes.

“Okay, let me talk to Trance.”

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