Page 104 of Freak Show

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As in, not in the motorcoach. Not in the surrounding area around the motorcoach. Not in the surrounding town.

She didn’t answer calls. Her Life 360 was off. Her phone couldn’t be located.

She. Was. Not. Anywhere.

And a little niggle of worry started to creep into my stomach.

Because out of everything that was like Hades, running away wasn’t one of them. She loved seeing her pranks—if you could even call this a prank at this point—through. If she got to see my reaction, even better.

“What do we do now?” I asked softly.

Keene didn’t have an answer.

None of us did.

Three Days Later

“I think she’s out of the woods,” the vet said to me on the phone the next day. “Her stats are all great. I’ve even gotten her to eat a small meal of broth and pureed meat.”

My heart lightened considerably at that.

“That’s great news,” I said softly, my heart still heavy. “When does she get to come home?”

When do I get to see her again? Hug her? Hold her?

“If all keeps going well,” he said, “I imagine tomorrow would be a great time to come see her. Then if she’s continuing to improve, I’ll let her go home at the end of the week.”

My heart lightened considerably.

My immediate reaction after we hung up was to call Slone—he’d had to leave for a game, and I’d chosen to remain behind to keep an eye on Coco and Melon.

The only family members to remain behind and not move on to the next location we’d be at in two weeks were Simi and Coffey.

Coffey had been cooking us food all week, and I was kind of loathe to admit it, but I’d been stress eating.

Anyway, I couldn’t contact Slone because he was in the middle of a football game.

A football game that I was watching on Coffey and Simi’s big screen television.

Coffey was doing something outside on the grill—something that smelled absolutely delicious—and Simi and I were inside watching the game even though neither one of us knew what was going on.

“Was that a first down?” I asked curiously, watching a particularly brutal hit Slone had given.

“Um.” Simi looked up from her phone, where she was reading an article about “how to understand the game of football.” “I don’t know.”

Coffey came back inside just as something happened. Flags started being thrown, and Slone threw his helmet at a ref.

“Oh, shit,” I murmured.

“What?” Coffey asked, his eyes going to the screen.

He grimaced and stared, obviously understanding what was going on.

“Well?” I asked.

“Well…” He paused. “Slone got a face mask penalty and they’re moving them back fifteen yards. They’re definitely going to have to punt this.”

I sighed.

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