Page 36 of Ghostly Glances

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I chuckled, leaning back against the plush seat. "Go wild. Get the most complicated, seasonal, whipped-cream-topped monstrosity they have."

Carla arrived, notepad ready. "The usuals?"

"One small change," Ben said. "Make my latte the new autumn blend, extra whipped cream, and—what the heck—throw some cinnamon on top."

Carla scribbled down our order, smiling. "You got it. Anything for our favorite lovebirds."

As she walked away, Ben turned to me. "Remember that time I knocked over a cup here, just trying to get a sense of what it felt like to hold one?"

I did remember. That was the day the café's other patrons thought they’d witnessed a genuine ghostly phenomenon. Cups rattling, people gasping, and me just trying to explain away my “clumsiness.”

"Yeah," I said. "You've come a long way from causing haunted coffee incidents."

He picked up his cup, his eyes softening for just a second as he felt the warmth seep through the ceramic. Then he took a sip, savoring each drop like it was a new experience.

“You know what's incredible?" he asked, putting the cup down. "This. All of this. The coffee, the café, the normalcy. It's mundane, and it’s extraordinary, all at the same time."

I reached across the table, capturing his hand in mine. "Welcome back to the human experience."

We lay on our balcony a few nights later, staring up at the sky. Gone were the days when we had to stargaze from separate realms. I felt his hand in mine, solid and warm.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. I heard my pulse pounding in my ears as I opened it, revealing a sleek band with a simple gemstone.

"So, I got you something," I said, a touch nervously.

Ben looked at the ring, then back at me. "Wow, Logan, it's beautiful. But what's the occasion?"

"It's called the 'Unbreakable Band.' No magic charms or anything—just good, durable material."

"Unbreakable Band?" Ben chuckled. "Sounds like us."

"Exactly." My hands were a little shaky as I slid the ring onto his finger.

"It's perfect," Ben said, studying the small gemstone. "But you know we're already unbreakable, right?"

"Yeah, I do. But now everyone else will, too."

His eyes met mine, and in that moment, I felt a surge of love for Ben that was so strong it nearly overwhelmed me.

"We've come a long way, haven't we?"

"We have. And we have a lifetime to go," Ben said softly, weaving his fingers together with mine.

"A lifetime,” I whispered.

A year later, we received an unexpected delivery package. When we read Lucy’s name on the return address, we both knew what it was.

Ben tore off the tape sealing the box and dug inside. An excited grin lit up his face, like he was a kid on Christmas morning.

"It's here," he said, holding up the book like a treasure. The cover was a blend of dreamy colors, and right at the center, the title gleamed: Love Transcending Realms: A True Story.

"Lucy outdid herself," I said, running my hand over the glossy jacket. "She said she wanted to make sure our story was told right."

"We should read it together," Ben suggested.

"No objections here." I kicked off my shoes, huddled into our comfy sofa, and pulled him down next to me.

As Ben opened the book, that new-book smell wafted into the air. The first chapter was simply titled "The Mirror."

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