Page 28 of Ghostly Glances

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Lucy hugged us both, tears streaming down her face. "This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," she managed to say through her elated sobs.

We were a tangled mess of limbs and ecstatic hearts, a joyous muddle of human and supernatural love. Amid the jubilant chaos, Ben's eyes found mine. In that gaze, we exchanged a promise, a silent vow to commit to a love story yet to be written.

For the first time, surrounded by love, both earthly and otherworldly, I felt like my life was not just a series of episodic events but a tapestry of endless possibility. Our lips met, and every doubt, every insecurity, evaporated in the heat of our kiss.


Being flesh and blood again was disorienting. I had weight, tethered to the Earth by gravity. It was a sensation I hadn't known for nearly half a century. I looked at my hands—damn, real hands, with skin and everything—and then at Logan, who was still staring at me like he'd just pulled off the world's best magic trick.

"Do you know what this all means?" Logan asked with a playful glint in his eyes.

"It means I have a whole lot to catch up on," I said, flexing my fingers just because I could. We both laughed, and it came from deep inside, fueled by equal parts relief and wonder. It might have been 1:00 a.m., but sleep? Who could think of sleep at a moment like this?

"Let's watch a movie," Logan suggested, clearly picking up on the fact that neither of us was ready for the mundane act of going to bed.

"You pop the popcorn. I'll pick something out," I said, still struggling with the concept of actually eating something.

Logan headed toward the kitchen. I heard the rustling of a popcorn bag, followed by the zap of the microwave. The familiar smell of popcorn began to fill the apartment—a scent I’d only been able to reminisce about until now.

When Logan returned, he carried a large bowl. He set it down on the coffee table and then looked at me with a mischievous smile. "Ready?" he asked, holding a single popcorn piece between his thumb and forefinger.

"For?" I raised an eyebrow.

He flicked the popcorn into the air in my direction. My hand shot up almost instinctively, catching it mid-air. I looked at Logan for an indication of what to do next.

"Go on. It's not going to bite you back," he chuckled.

I tossed the piece into my mouth. The instant it hit my tongue, I was awash with sensations—salty and buttery, with just a hint of sweetness. As I crunched down, the texture was a revelation—fluffy yet slightly grainy, soft with a bit of resistance. It was as if every forgotten sensory receptor had suddenly sprung to life, each one contributing to the adventure of rediscovery.

I swallowed, and it felt like a victory. "You have no idea how incredible that is," I said, still marveling at the simple act of eating.

Not even five minutes into the movie, Logan glanced at me, and our eyes met. The plot on screen faded into insignificance. His lips were right there, tantalizingly close.

“Did you know there are many different ways to kiss?” he asked as his voice broke the tension in the air.

"Enlighten me," I requested with my heart pounding in anticipation.

Logan leaned in, delivering a soft peck that barely grazed my lips. It was like a whisper, a brief “hello” that promised so much more. "That's called a good to see you kiss,” he grinned.

Then, Logan tilted his head and captured my lips again, this time a bit firmer, his mouth lingering on mine as if savoring a secret. "This," he pulled away just enough to breathe, "is a slow burn."

I chuckled. "Is there a catalog I should know about?"

"Absolutely," Logan said. He placed his hands on either side of my face and pressed his lips against mine. This time, there was an urgency, a pulling and pressing that screamed passion. It was intense, almost too intense, but I didn’t complain. " And that's a full throttle." We laughed as our noses bumped.

"Okay, this one’s called the Eskimo Kiss," Logan said, rubbing his nose against mine. "No lips involved."

"It's cute," I admitted, "but I think I like the classic versions better."

We kissed again, slow and deliberate, with our tongues tangling together. "How's that for classic?"

It was sublime. And as our lips locked in a dance as old as time, I realized that while I had just reentered the world of the living, life had truly begun anew for both of us. The past was a ghost, and the future was a book of blank pages.

Eventually, my curiosity shifted from our lips to the rest of Logan's body. I wanted to run my fingers over his smooth skin and feel the outline of his muscles.

While I gazed into his eyes, I started to unbutton his shirt. He didn't protest. He merely watched me with a playful expression on his face.

"See something you like?" Logan teased me.

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