Page 34 of The Unperfects

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“Maybe,” he kisses me again and again, three times across the mouth. “I was destined to fall.”

I say nothing.

But the guilt of the knowledge builds until I want to puke.

Instead, I hold him close like that’s going to make things better.

And I hope that it actually will.

Chapter Thirteen


It was different.

It was more emotional, more perfect if I can even say that word anymore because she literally here in my arms feels so right, from her soft skin to the way that she fits right next to my body. I want to tell her not to go home, to stay in my room and watch movies forever.

Creepy, yes, but I’m borderline obsessed with this girl. Maybe that’s what happens when you find your person and someone who makes you smile rather than cry. I’m so damn tired of being disappointed and upset over a relationship, hell I was ready to quit even dating before I fell into her lap, but now I have hope that the universe isn’t completely against me.

I fall back against the bed, she’s quiet next to me, I don’t have the energy to move and I honestly don’t want to. My grip on her is stronger than it should be, tighter.

All I keep thinking is, finally, finally something for me, someone for me, is that so wrong? To be excited that I have a person in my arms I don’t have to fight someone else for? Someone I genuinely like… could potentially love.

Life is weird.

She turns in my arms and looks up at me. “Was that, like, I mean… okay for you?”

I almost laugh then realize she’s dead serious and quickly sober and frown over at her in shock, because how could it not be amazing again? “What do you mean, was it okay? It was incredible, just like last time.”

Her face falls as if it wasn’t a compliment. “Oh, good.”

I cup her cheeks with my hands. “That’s your response, oh good?”

She grins up at me, suddenly changing her posture. “Sorry, apparently you exhausted me with your sexual prowess.”

“As one does.”

“As one does.” She agrees with a wider smile, giving me a toothy grin that has me wanting to kiss her all over again, shit she’s cute. I capture her lips and pull her on top of me. “I meant actually watch a movie, you know, not this… I’d be happy just to lie next to you.”

She rests her arms on my chest, folded against it, our skin is sticky from sweat, the smell of sex fills the air but I can’t find myself to move from this moment. Her eyes search mine. “Do you really mean that?”

“I’m easy to please.” I put my hands behind my head. “I mean, sex is great, but if you wanted to binge watch Lord of the Rings, I’d be okay with that too.”

“Maybe that’s why I like you.”

“YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” I yell like a total nerd.

She smacks me on the chest. “Yeah, okay Gandalf.”

I grab her hand. “See? And that’s another reason I like you, you didn’t look at me like an idiot and actually know who Gandalf is.”

“People don’t know Lord of the Rings? That’s just sad.”

“Pathetic.” I nod. “A tragedy really.”

“Does that make you Sam Wise? And me Frodo?”

“Wait, why do you get to be Frodo?”

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