Page 65 of The Unruly

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Michael and Logan eventually return from their body dumping expedition. Another man, Seth I think, begins to help them pack a couple of backpacks with weapons and supplies. I’d overheard Michael state they were going to hunt for Raegan, Sadie, and the boys. I’m thankful we made the decision to send them on their way back home with Wild to get them farther away from these monsters. At least they’ll have a head start.

Eventually, Michael, Logan, and Seth head out in the direction me and Rowdy came from. Knowing they’re already on the right track is nerve-wracking, but I have to believe Wild and Raegan will be faster. I’m glad Rowdy told me to bring my tent and gear with us rather than leaving it back at our camp. If Michael and his group would have stumbled across it, they’d have known we were out here and close. We need them to keep their guard down just long enough to grab the rest of our people.

Camp grows quiet aside from the occasional sob from one of the children. They’re probably traumatized by the actions of their leader. I just hope the horror they witnessed doesn’t get in our way of taking Ronan and Dez. If I’m forced to choose between one of the kidnapper’s children or my family, I’ll always choose my own blood.

My legs begin to cramp from my crouched position. Slowly, I rise to my feet to stretch them. Rowdy remains kneeling by his tree. I can feel his gaze on me, but he doesn’t signal to me that it’s time. I’m anxious and not feeling very patient as we wait for the perfect time.

Hours tick by.

Whimpers of the children soon become overpowered by the snores of one of the men in one of the tents. From what Sadie and Raegan described, it must be Tom. His snoring will work in our favor by covering any sounds we make.

The fire is nothing but a pile of glowing embers, further shadowing the camp. A cool wind blows through the trees, nipping at my ears and nose. Summer is officially gone because I haven’t felt very warm in days.

My mind drifts back to Raegan. She told me she had sex with Ronan. I still can’t believe it. Until I hear it from him, I don’t know that I will. What they did together—without me—has me feeling not only left out, but confused.

He’s gay.

So why did he sleep with our sister?

I mean, I know why. She told me. Raegan wanted to lose her virginity on her own terms. It killed her to think CJ would take that from her—and given time, he would have. What I don’t get, though, is how Ronan was able to perform.

He’s gay.

His dick gets hard for me.For me.Not women.

Jealousy rears its ugly head again. I’m mad at them both. Angry at Raegan for having Ronan do something he most likely didn’t want to do. Angry at Ronan for having sex with our sister when he’s supposed to be gay. Mostly, I’m angry because they’re both my best friends and they did something so life-altering without me.

As quickly as the anger forms, it cools. They’ve been in a fucked-up situation. Who am I to judge how they handle the stress of kidnapping?

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Three soft taps of a stick against a tree trunk have me abandoning my heavy thoughts and searching the darkness for Rowdy. He motions with the stick to himself, then to the tent Destiny is in. I motion to myself and the tent Ronan is in. We both nod in understanding and rise to our feet.

This is it.

It’s time to get them.

The plan is to quietly slice through their tents, locate our siblings, and extract them without carnage. As much as I’d love to cut the throats of everyone here except them, it’s too risky.

Rowdy disappears to the left and I start toward the right, both of us walking the perimeter of the camp toward our destinations. I listen carefully for any sounds of Michael returning but don’t hear anything as I pass one of the tents.

A stick snaps beneath my boot, causing me to freeze. My heart thuds heavily in my chest as I wait for some sort of indication I’ve been heard. Nothing. Good. I continue my prowl until I reach Ronan’s tent. I’m unsure of the sleeping arrangements, so this part will be tricky. My best bet is to slice the tent material from top to bottom and then peek my head inside to locate them. The zipper would be too loud, but I can slowly cut the tent soundlessly.

Barely breathing, I press the tip of my knife to the top of the side of the tent. My backpack and gear are heavy on my back, making me sweat profusely despite the chilly air surrounding me. With the patience of a saint, I slowly cut through the material, wincing at any soft sound it makes.

No one comes after me, so I’m off to a good start.

When I reach the bottom, I grab hold of one side, readying myself to push my head inside. Before I get there, a hand pokes through the opening, grabbing onto my wrist. For a split second, I freeze, unsure what to do.

A face peeks out and I immediately recognize it.


His grin is the most wonderful thing I’ve ever seen. I lean my forehead to his for a moment and then I gently help him out of the tent so as not to make any noise. Once he’s out and I’m ready for him to bolt with me, he jerks his hand out of mine before turning around to face the tent again.

What the hell is he doing?

He reaches inside and then pulls out a woman I recognize as Kristen. I guess we’re rescuing her too. I give them both a nod and then gesture to where Rowdy is. Ronan takes Kristen’s hand and follows after me. Another spike of jealousy shoots through me.

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