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“I wouldn’t say fanatical.” Am I?

He just raises his eyebrows.

“Hmph. Whatever.”

“So what did you do? After Denise was a total bitch and all.”

“Well.” I take a deep breath, expelling the residual resentment, coming to terms with what happened. “I was blacklisted from all of the major marketing firms in New York, so I tucked tail and headed back to Texas. And for the longest time, I was so mad, so angry, that all I could think of was painting a spotless reputation. Because without my parents, my job was all I had.” This time I place my hand over his. “That’s why I told myself I couldn’t be with you. That it would undo everything that I’ve worked for, and just make what Denise said all those years ago true.”

Chase’s skin pales. “God, Bell. I’m so sorry. I never should have pushed. I hope you don’t—”

I cup his cheek with my other hand, somewhat awkwardly in the car. “I’m not sorry you pushed. I can’t even begin to tell you how not sorry I am.” Quickly, before we start moving again, I lean up and kiss his cheek before retreating back to my seat. “Because you made me realize that I was holding on to all that anger because it was easier than dealing with my grief.”

He shakes his head, like he doesn’t know what to say.

“This is the first time I’ve ever talked about my parents. Apart from the museum.” I close my eyes, bringing their image to my mind. Images of happy times. “And though it hurts, it also feels… good. Like a relief to tell someone, finally.”

“I’m glad.”

Blinking my eyes open, I focus on his. “Me too.”

“So who’s Dougherty?”


“Denise was always calling you Dougherty.”

“Oh. Yeah. That.” I lean back and grab my wallet from the front pocket of my laptop bag. Opening it up, I slide out an outdated license from my wallet and hold it out for him to see. “You’re looking at Texas-born Campbell Hope Dougherty.” My younger self smiles back at him. “I changed it to King in honor of my momma’s love of Elvis.” I pause before admitting with a smirk, “And for my dog.” At Chase’s look, I shrug. “What? He was a great dog.”

Our laughter eases something inside of me. I may have started this sharing business with Chase in mind, but I came out feeling lighter than I have in forever, and closer to Chase.

His phone goes off once more, and this time he fishes it out of his pocket, shuts it off, and tosses it into the back seat.

Sliding my old license back into my wallet, I try to sound nonchalant. “So. Your brother, huh?”

* * *


My shoulders creep up to my ears. I’m thinking of playing it off, but after what Bell just told me, that would be a dick move. Especially as I already feel like a dick for my attitude earlier. At first, I thought her not wanting to go to dinner with me was a sign she still wanted to keep things quiet. Not be seen with me. Just wanted to keep it to sex. That maybe Denise was right, and all she wanted to do was sleep around.

God, I’m an asshole.

Preparing to open up to the wonderful woman I don’t deserve, I let out a deep sigh and drop my head back. “Yeah. My brother.”

“I mean, I’ve met him. He is…”

“Perfect? The golden boy? A man who can do no wrong?”

“Um… I was trying to think of a nice way to say ass-hat.”

Stunned, I double over laughing. It takes the car behind me honking to get me to sober up and put the car in gear to inch ahead.

“Ass-hat, huh?” I snort. “I’ll have to remember that one.”

“Well, it’s the truth. I don’t know why you called him perfect.” She looks so unimpressed with my older brother that I feel myself falling a little bit more in love with her.

Feeling good about this sharing thing, I dig deeper. “Because that is what my father drilled into me from the very start.”

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