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She cocks her head to the side in that adorable way she has when she’s trying to figure things out.

“Does Liz feel this way about the rest of your family?”

“Ah, no, actually.” It’s just me that’s the outcast. Me who can’t measure up. “Besides my father, who mostly just ignores her, Liz is on good terms with our mother and brother.” I pause as I remember Liz calling Thomas a douche. “I think. I’ve never really asked her. We don’t really bring them up when we hang out.”

“I see.”

I bet she does. She’s too smart, too quick to not see how I’m the misfit in the family. The last choice to run the company. The one who flies off the handle while Thomas remains unaffected and practical. Today has been just another moment in my life where he’s come out on top. The Golden Boy wins again.

“Thomas is a bit of an ass.”

Her comment surprises a laugh out of me.

She tilts her head to the other side, a smile playing on her gorgeous lips. “What? Is this one of those instances where you can insult your family, but no one else can?”

I reach for her, my hands sliding under hers on her hips, pleased when instead of her arms just dropping to her sides, they encircle my neck. “No, no. Insult away.” My grip on her tightens, and thankfully, she lets me pull her closer. Lets me nuzzle the tip of her nose with my own.

She smiles then, a real smile, her body now flush with mine. “How about instead of wasting any more time on stuck-up T-money, we go get some breakfast tacos?”

“Breakfast tacos?” I smile wider, amazed that after such a long encounter with my brother I can smile at all. “You sure? I could probably get us into Wolfgang’s for an exceptional late brunch.”

“Nah. Who needs white linen and oysters when you can have tinfoil and chorizo?”

“You’re a girl after my own heart, Ms. King.”

Better yet, the one who is starting to own it.

* * *

A large gulp of Coke helps cool the heat from the chorizo. Bell was right: This is just what we needed.

Sitting on a bench in Central Park, the silence, for once, is comfortable as we alternate between people-watching and bites of spicy breakfast tacos.

“These are great.” I raise the last of my taco. “I can’t believe I’ve never tried them before.”

“I can’t believe the stand is there after all these years.” She wipes a trickle of salsa off her chin, grinning. “I’ve missed New York.”

Her smile is infectious, as is her joy at being back in the city. But something nags at me.

“I don’t get it. If you love the city so much, why go back to Texas?”

She’s silent, and I get the feeling the tables have turned. I may not want to elaborate on my family issues, but I notice she clams up when it comes to herself and her move back south.

“The job I had after college didn’t work out,” she finally says.

“But there are so many marketing firms in New York. With your education and experience, even just out of grad school, you could’ve gotten a job with another firm.”

She shrugs before taking a large mouthful, finishing her taco and making it impossible for her to talk. Instead, she stands, walks to the nearest trash can, and throws away her wrapper and drink before walking over to a street artist, essentially ending the discussion.

I shove the rest of my taco in my mouth and follow suit, trying not to be annoyed. It’s not like I would’ve opened up to her about the rest of my family had she not had the pleasure of meeting them herself. But seeing as she has, I should just be grateful she still wants to make the most of the two days she gave me instead of running for the nearest subway station.

I need to remember the game plan. Make the day and a half I have left so awesome that Bell can’t help but want more. I can uncover her secrets later.

Plenty of time for that.

* * *


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