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“You don’t get to dear me, Em. Besides not openly objecting to me taking over Moore’s, which isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement, by the way, you’ve never stood up for me over the years. So don’t pretend that this serendipitous little meeting is anything other than a way to try to blindside me into falling into line with whatever the Golden Boy wants.”

Golden Boy bristles again. I avoid eye contact with everyone and suck down the rest of my Bloody Mary. Unfortunately, I suck too hard. The loud, slurping noise of my straw on the bottom of the empty glass draws Thomas’s angry attention to me.

“Stan did have one thing right, brother. You took over Moore’s and got distracted by the first pretty woman in the place.”

I still, the alcohol and spice unable to stop the cold feeling Thomas’s words evoke.

He continues, “How is the marketing campaign going, Bell? King Marketing getting everything they need to pump life into Moore’s? I do hope you’re getting paid well for your endeavors. Above the counter, as well as under it.”

Em gasps, looking wide-eyed at her older son. “Thomas…”

For a second, Thomas looks stricken. But I can’t be sure because I’m trying to remember how to breathe. Black dots form around my vision. This. This is what I was afraid of.

Just as I manage to inhale, Chase yanks me out of the booth, almost colliding into poor Stacey.

“Congratulations, Thomas,” Chase says, reaching for his wallet. “You’ve finally become our father.”

This time I do catch the look on Thomas’s face. He looks downright ill.

“Here.” Chase thrusts two hundred-dollar bills at our waitress. “I’m sorry for taking up your table. This should cover our drinks and your time.”

Death grip back in place, he leads me out of the restaurant.



As soon as I exit the peaceful tranquility of upscale dining, the cacophony of city noise hits me. Bell’s hand in mine is the one thing keeping the feelings roiling inside me from imploding.

I’m halfway down the block before I realize Bell is tugging on my hand for me to stop.

“What the heck was that back there?” she pants after I make a sudden stop.

A fast-walking New Yorker bumps into her, and I turn to shield her, drawing her closer to the building and out of the way of pedestrian traffic.

I try to steady my own breath, which is also heaving. From exertion, anger, hurt. Who knows? “That,” I say, jerking my head behind us, “was an ambush, apparently.”

“An ambush?” Bell’s small smile falters, then fades when she realizes I’m serious. “You really think Thomas and Em planned that?” When I don’t answer, she scoffs. “How would they even know where you were, Chase? That’s crazy.”

Her coming to their defense irritates the shit out of me. As does her logic. She doesn’t know my family’s history. Doesn’t know them. Should never have even met them.

“Oh, I’m sure Thomas and your new best friend Em could’ve found a way.” I can’t help but sneer.

Bell takes a step back, pulling her hand free from mine. “Wait, are you mad at me? How did I become the bad guy here?”

My hand flexes with the loss. I take a deep breath, trying to recover from her withdrawal. I don’t like how quickly I calm at her touch. But I hate her physical retreat from it even more.

“I just sat through one of the most uncomfortable brunches in the history of brunches, which never even made it to actual food being served, and finished with your brother insinuating that I was some sort of prostitute-marketing-exec, which is the very reason I didn’t even want to start something with you, and you’re mad at me?”

Fuck. “No. No. Of course not.” I run a hand through my hair, trying to calm down. “Sorry, I’m just… it’s just… my brother and I don’t get along.”

“Really? I couldn’t tell.” Sarcasm heightens her Southern accent, and she plants her hands on her hips. When I keep silent, she quirks a brow, daring me not to explain.

I clear my throat. “In fact, I don’t really get along with my family in general.”

She lets out an exasperated breath. “What about Liz? You seemed to get along with her just fine last night.”

Remembering the bar last night and the laughter between Bell and Liz settles the churning in my chest. “Okay, so I only get along with Liz.”

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