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‘Nothing.’ She lifted her cup of herbal tea and inhaled its soothing aroma. But he continued to wait so she shrugged. ‘I’ve been sensitive to strong smells lately.’

A complicated expression appeared on his face. Concern and a dash of excitement?

She grappled with the idea as Jack collected his cup and the cafetiere, disappearing through the open door.

Was Jackexcitedabout the baby? Not just determined to do the right thing, but actually excited? The idea took her by surprise. Something ignited inside, becoming a small but warming glow.

Maybe she’d been wrong and it wasn’t just a sense of responsibility he felt for their baby.

He returned and took the seat opposite. ‘You’ve had morning sickness?’

‘Not really.’ Suddenly she felt almost shy about discussing her body’s changes. Had he noticed her slight weight gain and fuller breasts? ‘It’s just that some smells disagree with me. You didn’t have to take the coffee away.’

He waved his hand dismissively. ‘It’s not important.’

Unlike her comfort.

Bess told herself any caring individual would react the same and yet...

‘When is your appointment?’

‘It’s okay. I’ll make my own way. That avoids the risk of us being seen together at the obstetrician’s.’


‘It would play into the photographers’ hands and it would seem to confirm that you’re the baby’s father.’

Jack’s cobalt gaze bored into her. ‘I am the father.’

‘Of course, but...’ Was he being deliberately obtuse? ‘It would inflame speculation and scandal. I know how important it is to you to avoid that.’

Because it might impact on his business.

His eyes narrowed. ‘You think I’m that concerned about what people think?’

‘It’s why you didn’t want me spending time with Lara in Paris.’

‘That’s different. This is aboutour child. As for avoiding scandal, that horse has bolted. The world knows our marriage has had problems.’ Even now he refused to admit it was virtually over. ‘But I refuse to live my life to suit public opinion. I do what I believe is right.’

He held her gaze and she felt the emotion behind every word. ‘And that’s to support you. To look after our child.’

Something ran through her as she absorbed his words. A current of energy. A sizzle of excitement. The stunned realisation that this really mattered to him.Theyreally mattered.

‘Because you see it as your duty.’ But as she said it Bess knew she was selling him short.

Slowly Jack shook his head, the look in his eyes catching her breath. ‘There’s nothing wrong with that. But Iwantto take care of you both. To be with you.’

Bess told herself they shouldn’t be, but the words were like balm to her wounded soul. This was no lie. He meant it. Something brittle cracked open inside her.

‘The press can print what it likes about us going to London together.’

‘Even if we then divorce?’

‘You think I’m worried about being made to look a fool?’ Jack drew in a breath that lifted his chest. ‘Some things are more important than reputation and public opinion.’

His words settled into silence, into her heart, and she felt herself weaken. When he spoke like that it was too easy to believe his priorities really had changed.

Bess put down her cup and clasped her hands. ‘But you like everything planned and going the way you want. Your life is orchestrated around your business goals. More scandal would just add to the disruption. You can’t want that.’

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