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“The kidnapping and the hospital, yes, crazy. But the part with us wasn’t. It might have been the sanest thing I’ve done in quite a while.” He set his glass down on the cherry coffee table.

“You should know I don’t sleep with near-strangers in the woods very often.” Tess studied his hands, the left with its purple, jagged scar, and the right, steady and perfect.

“I’d hope not. Only after escaping mortal danger, right?”

“Only then.” Tess laughed again, then lowered her gaze, feeling sheepish. “Will you forgive me for seducing you in the woods? I’m a bit embarrassed.”

“Don’t be. We needed each other. In fact, I hope…” His voice drifted off, leaving his sentence unfinished as his fingertips grazed her cheek.

Mesmerized by his sapphire gaze, she longed to kiss him again. Suspended in a dreamy haze, she draped a hand over his shoulder to confirm he wasn’t a painkiller-induced hallucination built on fantasy. His body radiated heat under her fingertips, and her head trilled with energy.

He raised a hand to her face, then met her mouth with a slow, tender kiss.

The tip of his tongue tasted like whiskey with hints of leather and candied almonds. The faint scent of sandalwood from his golden skin and the salt of his lips stoked her desire. Impatient to discard inhibitions of her past, she exiled boring words like careful and slow, leaving an urgent now. “Stay with me tonight,” she whispered and caressed his shoulder.

“Even if no one is chasing us?”

“Especially because no one is chasing us.” She closed her eyes as Mark’s fingertips grazed the delicate skin below her neck and teased her with gentle touches and soft kisses.

Mark answered with a long kiss and scooped her up from the couch into his arms, careful not to jostle her ankle. She wound her arms tight around his shoulders, and they crossed her living room to ascend the staircase one step at a time. In her bedroom, Mark laid her on top of the queen-size sleigh bed, covered in damask linens. With one hand, she eased his cashmere sweater over his head and tossed it on a chair.

“I’m so happy to see you again.” Mark proceeded to shower her skin with kisses. Grasping her face between his hands, he kissed her mouth while caressing her cheek, then slowly unbuttoned her blouse, stopping to kiss each newly exposed inch of skin. After the last button, he unhooked her lace bra and stroked her back in soft, circular motions.

“I’m glad you’re here.” Between kisses, she aligned her body against his, lingering over every touch, free from danger.

“Min kjære,” he breathed before kissing her throat and moving southward down her torso with a soft, slow line of kisses. He kissed her again and touched her cheek. “May I?”

Breathless, Tess nodded and removed his T-shirt with gentle tugs but hesitated upon seeing the canvas of bruises covering his chest. Purple-and-black splotches discolored his skin. “Your bruises…”

“Just kiss me.”

“I don’t want anyone to hurt you again.” An impulsive need to protect him from harm overtook her. Reunited, the warm skin of their torsos merged in perfect symmetry. Any danger haunting Tess ebbed away, replaced by desire. She admired his muscular shoulders and long legs, golden against her alabaster skin. She wrapped one leg around his hip to draw him near, and as they pulled closer, her senses sparked like spreading wildfire.

Once together, she savored every sensation, exhilarated by seeing him again. Later, nestled against his chest in the satisfied afterglow, she marveled how a day that started so lonely could finish this way. Burrowed under the down duvet, she listened to the steady stream of raindrops pelting the roof.

“The Seattle rain is soothing.” Mark pulled the duvet to their chins. “Though I’m glad we’re inside.”

“That’s for sure. I still can’t believe you’re here.” Seeing Mark was the last thing she’d expected, and the surprise visit compounded the evening’s surreal mood.

“Spontaneous decision, obviously.” He wound an arm around her.

“Which part? Coming to Seattle or ending up in bed?” she teased.

“Yes.” Dissolving into laughter, he kissed the top of her head.

Entwined with Mark, she was drifting toward sleep when images of Yuri and Dmitry appeared, unwelcome intruders in her mind. Knowing they still roamed the earth free, she stared at the ceiling with growing uneasiness. Although she felt safe in Mark’s arms, nothing could assuage her worry that danger lurked around the next corner.

Somewhere out there, a reckoning awaited her, and she didn’t know how long a reprieve she’d have before she’d need to fight again.

Chapter Ten

The Morning After

Heavy rain drenched Seattle through the night. Stirring in her bed, Tess rolled over, and the alarm clock on the bedside table read 3:37 a.m. Pleasant memories of the afterglow from hours earlier enveloped her. After snuggling under the covers, she was almost asleep again when Mark’s voice startled her.

Beside her, he was tossing and turning, back and forth. “Ikke skyt meg. Don’t shoot me. Vær så snill å ikke skade henne. Please don’t hurt her.” Alternating between groaning and speaking Norwegian in short bursts, his shouts shattered the bedroom’s tranquility. He thrashed his arms in every direction, hitting blindly.

“Mark, wake up.” She scooted away, switched on the bedside lamp, and tugged on his bare shoulder.

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