Page 22 of Scoring the Doctor

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I hesitated, choosing my words. I didn’t want to talk to Mum about something so intimate.

Mum stirred her tea with a light tinkling sound and nodded sagely. “Is this the first time?”

I raised a questioning eyebrow.

“Is this the first time you’ve had sexual feelings about a client?”

The back of my neck warmed. This wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have with my mother.

“Reece, I’ve been in the business for thirty years. There’s nothing you can say that will shock me. Tell me what’s going on.”

“I should never have taken her on as a client. We have a… history. I thought we’d just be keeping things light: mindset and confidence building.”

“Sexual desire is a normal part of our makeup.”

“Not when it’s aimed at clients.”

She slid her hand across the arm of her chair toward me. “We’re not robots. We have feelings. Attraction is just another feeling. From time to time, there will be sexual urges. It’s not something we can pick and choose. You’re being too hard on yourself.” She raised a questioning eyebrow. “Nothing has happened, has it?”

I straightened in the chair. Did she even have to ask me that? “No, of course not. Nothing has happened. I’d never let it.”

“The therapeutic relationship is intense. You’re sharing intimate things. If you’re doing a good job, then you’re forming a connection—”

“Under normal circumstances, it would never have even crossed my mind. The patients at the hospital are not well. This person is going through a hard time, but she’s not vulnerable. She’s strong and powerful. I’ve never met a woman like her. I have to stop, but we’re doing some good work.”

“You’ve done the right thing. You’ve recognized what’s going on for you. Refer her on if you can’t manage it. The boundaries with a client are in place to protect both of you.” Mum’s piercing gaze drilled into me.

“I would never act on it.”

“We’re all human.” She tapped the sides of her mug with her fingers thoughtfully. “I’m glad you told me. We’ll navigate a way through it together.” She studied my face and offered me a faint smile. “You’re a nurturer. This is your pattern. You take care of people, your family, your clients. You’re always taking care of everyone else. Make sure you’re looking after yourself, too.” She covered my hand with her smooth palm. “You’re doing your best. You’re human like the rest of us.”

I thought about pasting a smile onto my face, but I didn’t have the energy. A pulse beat in my temple and I closed my eyes. I should never have taken on a client that I had history with. The old me would have never let myself slip like that.

I met Mum’s solid gaze and lifted a sardonic eyebrow. “Why does it feel like you just therapized me? I thought this wasn’t therapy.”

“It’s not. I’m your mum. I’m just mumming you.” She patted my hand and gave me a wry smile. “Just remember, you can’t do much wrong in this business apart from sleeping with the clients.”

“But sometimes it happens, right? It must have done.”

Mum quirked a brow. My stomach dropped. I regretted the question instantly.

Mum cleared her throat. “I’m sure it has, but it’s unethical and harmful to the patient—”

“And what about an ex-patient? If I wasn’t seeing her anymore… how long would I have to wait? Hypothetically speaking…”

Mum’s brow lifted even higher before she smoothed it. “There are guidelines. Some people say after a year, maybe two years. Some people say it’s always wrong. Once a client, always a client.”

“Right. Of course. It’s always wrong. And what would you say? Just out of interest…”

She studied my face for too long before she frowned. “Refer her on. Do it as soon as you see her next.”

“You don’t have to worry. I’ve got it under control.”

“Sometimes things can get out of control.”

“Right. Anyway, I’ll manage it.” My heart pounded and I busied myself clearing up the cups and saucers. “More tea?”

Chapter 11

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