Page 33 of Blue Blood

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Irritation replaced Ana’s sadness, releasing in a long-suffering breath.

It was the same old rant from her aunt. If it wasn’t Gio, then it was another mafia leader out to ruin their family legacy. That was all Auntie cared about–the Mancini name. And since the betrothal, Gio had become her favorite target. Auntie constantly bragged about bagging a Don as an in-law. But if Gio didn’t bend over backward to give them all the perks that came with his position, Auntie would fume over it for days.

“Do you want me to ask him–?”

“No,” Auntie quickly backtracked. “Don’t say anything. He’s the Don and on a killing spree.”

Not really a spree with one victim.

“Just butter him up and make us look good, okay?” Auntie said. “Especially Antonio. After everything I’ve done for my boy, he deserves to at least become a Capo.”

Ana wanted to roll her eyes at that, knowing exactly what her cousin thought of that idea.

As if sensing her disregard, Auntie narrowed her eyes. Making her thin face appear even more severe. “I warned you this would happen, remember? When you wanted to run and spill to Gio what happened that night.”

Ana stiffened, her skin running cold.

“You didn’t believe me then, but now you know." Auntie nodded confidently. "Your husband is an unforgiving man. He will not tolerate faults in others, not even in you.”

Recalling Gio’s cold face, Ana could not say anything in his defense. He wanted her to be his submissive wife–silent and compliant. Anything else was a danger to his control.

When Emma walked in minutes later, she wanted to cry in relief. She could not handle her aunt’s judgment right now, not when she was already so heartsore. Thankfully, Emma seemed to have just the distraction, as she rushed in with a phone in hand. She brazenly nudged the older woman aside, who shot her a disgusted look.

“Sorry,” Emma said, without an ounce of remorse. “Duty calls.”

She shoved the phone at Ana.

Auntie muttered savagely under her breath before leaving them in a huff. When the bedroom door slammed shut, Emma let out a deep exhale. “Thank, God. I thought the bitch would never leave.”


“What? Don’t tell me you haven’t thought that in your head, Miss Perfect.” She lifted a brow.

Groaning at the stupid nickname, Ana gestured at the phone. “Who is it?”



Emma nodded, rolling her eyes. “I emailed him several times, but he wants to hear it straight from Antonio’s lips.”

“…which means me.” Ana sighed in resignation. Taking the phone with a deep breath, she greeted the client cheerfully, “This is Antonio Mancini’s secretary.”

Emma paced back and forth as Ana listened patiently and pacified him. “I understand. Yes, yes. Of course. Mr. Mancini is–” She paused as Emma rushed to mouth a suggestion. “He’s meeting with the supplier tomorrow. You should know by then.”

Ana’s fingers rubbed along her dress hem, tracing each embroidered flower as he rambled on. “The rate hikes? Well, those were already signed off by the lawyers last year. Yes, I know–” The client oscillated between irate demands and cool calm for another fifteen minutes, until he relented at last, allowing Ana to hang up.

She rubbed her eyes tiredly. It felt as though she’d emerged from a battlefield, stabbed and pummeled all over.

As if she hadn’t had enough fights in the past week.

“You can’t do this much longer, you know?” Emma peered at her, concerned. “The fashion line was already a full-time gig. Now we’re helping with Antonio’s business too. I can still move out to New York to help you. That was our original plan.”

“No, please,” Ana said. “We talked about this. Your mom needs you more than I do.”

The half-lie slipped out easily. Ana wanted nothing more than to have her trusted aide by her side. She was so lonely out there in New York, with Gio offering affection and then snatching it away just as easily. But she couldn’t place that guilt on Emma and tear her from her only family, not when they were able to handle most of the administration for the fashion line remotely. Only these month-end shipment reviews required in-person meetings.

“Besides, we’re getting new staff from Vitello’s company,” Ana added. “Two customer service reps and a part-time seamstress. That should help.”

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