Page 135 of Blue Blood

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“We have to get you to the hospital,” Ana urged.

“D-don’t.” Gio’s black eyes were dilated, urging Tony to stay behind when he stumbled toward them.

Her cousin looked torn.

“Luke and the other men should be here any minute,” Ana assured him. “They’ll–” She didn’t know what exactly they would do with her aunt. The Family had publicly executed others for far milder infractions. But this type of treason would demand something so much worse.

Ana glanced helplessly at her aunt, who regarded them somberly with an oddly calm expression on her face. “They’ll take care of her.”

Despair filled Tony’s face. When he saw Ana sadly watching his expression, he hung his head and busied himself with helping Gio stand up.

They held him up from either side, steadying him until he faced the door where her aunt lingered.

Auntie watched them grimly.

Gio’s arms twitched under their grip. “Y-you destroyed my family…” he hissed at her. “You b-burned them alive,” he spat, vibrating with fury.

Auntie said nothing, no apologies, no defense–even as he lurched forward to grab her by the throat. Ana and Tony frantically grabbed him, struggling to keep him upright.

Ana desperately shushed him, begging him to save his breath. But agony and delirium had wrapped their grip around him. “I-I would have given you anything,” Gio whispered plaintively. “Anything y-you asked me. My mother…my father…gone.”

Moisture filled his eyes.

Auntie looked away as Ana blinked back her tears too.

They soldiered on, dragging Gio forward even when he seemed determined to stay back and fight. Just as they reached the edge of the doorway, they heard the loud thud of the front doors flying open and someone shouting their names.

Luke. Her heart leaped, recognizing his deep voice. Thank God.

It was over. It was finally over.

When she glanced over her shoulder, she saw her aunt looking down at the floor. Resignation and defiance intermingled in her stiff frame.

She bent down to pick up something.

Ana faltered.

A gun. One of the guard’s.

“I know what the punishment is,” Auntie muttered, her wrinkled eyes hooded with sadness and defeat. “I won’t let my family suffer that shame.”

The words didn’t quite register. Not at first. When her aunt lifted the weapon, Ana cried out.

Everything came to a halt.

And in the hush came the final blow.


The wind whistled through the open windows, sending a shiver rippling through her arms even on the warm autumn night. Her violet dress fluttered in its wake, its silky folds rising and falling again.

“What a lovely design.”

She jumped, noticing one of the Capo’s wives–Marco’s wife–smiling kindly at her.

Ana murmured a thank you, edging back from the window to greet her. Laughter and music boomed all around them, a strange sound to behold after all this time. Even the woman beside her seemed to appreciate its significance. “It’s nice to have a celebration after a while.”

Her eyes were gentle, understanding.

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