Page 44 of Phantom

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“Clothes. I figured it would be inappropriate to show up in lingerie.”

“This is no time for jokes, Aggie.”

“My name is Agatha.”

“Yes, that’s what I called you.”

“No, you didn’t.”

Odette just had to chime in as well. “What’s all that stuff on your face?”

“Do you mean the lipstick or the eyeliner?”

“You look like an extra in a horror movie.”

“After what happened yesterday, I feel like an extra in a horror movie.”

“Aggie!” Mom’s fork clattered onto her plate. “Apologise to your sister. She’s traumatised.”

“So because Odette has terrible taste in men, I have to wear pastels?”

“You should dress appropriately for your age.” Her voice dropped to a hiss. “And that man you’re with has tattoos. I brought you up better than this.”

“No, you didn’t. You just made my life hell whenever I didn’t conform to your expectations.”

Support came from an unexpected source.

“I think she looks okay,” Clarice said. “The boots are nice.”

And Chas, bless her, jumped up and ran over to Hawk. She seemed to have forgiven him for twisting Eddie’s arm yesterday, probably because he’d bought her ice cream at the lighthouse café and listened patiently while she told him all about her favourite pony.

“You have drawings on your arms. Is that a dragon?”

“Yeah. His name is Kukulkan.”

“When I’m older, I want drawings on my arm, but I want horses. And a kitten. Mom, can I have drawings on my arm?”

“When you turn eighteen, we can discuss it.”

“Clarice!” Mom had us both in her sights now. “The correct answer is ‘no.’”

“If she’s legally an adult, I can’t stop her.”

“Buckley, has Clarice been drinking this morning?”

Buckley glanced up from his phone. “Uh, I don’t know. Maybe? Is there any more coffee?”

I pulled out an empty seat, and Hawk took his place next to me. Yes, this was uncomfortable, but for once Mom was on the back foot, and Odette was subdued too. Perhaps I should have felt sorry that her life had fallen apart? She’d already quit her job in anticipation of becoming a housewife, and now she’d have to stay at home with Mom and Dad for a while longer. But after my ex cheated on me, I distinctly recalled her telling me it was my own fault because I’d tried dating out of my league, and so today, I struggled to dredge up any sympathy.

No, I stayed polite and made small talk, mostly with Clarice, and occasionally with Buckley and my dad. But every time Mom or Odette tried to land a jab, I blocked and countered with one of my own. At one point, I caught them looking at each other, puzzled. Who was this woman and where had meek little Aggie gone? Hawk kept one arm draped over the back of my chair, providing support but letting me take the lead.

I couldn’t say I’d enjoyed the weekend, but I’d learned a lot. About Hawk, about my family, and about myself. I’d finally stood my ground against my parents, and I’d discovered that my sisters weren’t as perfect as I thought—Clarice might even be human—plus I got to hang out with my favourite niece. And most importantly, I’d found the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Our relationship would never conform to my mother’s ideals, but one thing was for sure—we’d be putting the fun in dysfunctional.



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