Page 38 of No Place To Hide

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The man shrugs before trudging off back toward the other attractions.

I take the soft, fleshy meat of my inner cheek in my teeth. My feet are cemented to the ground and for some reason I can’t seem to come up with a single word to say out loud.

I see him, finally, as he ducks under the curtains that hang above the entrance. He doesn’t glance in my direction, his focus on whatever seems to be wrong with the fun house. The lights are off and no music is playing, which is probably why there is not a single soul in line for it.

I shift my weight from one foot to the other and the gravel underneath my shoe crunches.

“Didn’t you hear me?” Jackson says in an exasperated huff. “Fun house is closed. Piece of shit lost power and I can’t send anyone in.”

He sends his boot into the metal wall and lets out a string of expletives that would have at one time have made me blush, but not anymore. Instead, I can’t help but giggle.

“What the hell is your—” he starts before whipping his head around to confront whoever the asshole is laughing at his frustration.


My name dripping from his lips is like an intoxicating drug. The perfect aphrodisiac.


Hi? I drive four hours to see this man and all I can come up with to say is hi? Jesus.

His dark eyes are filled with questions.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

Nice to see you too, dear.

I hold out the tickets and he knits his brows. “I heard this is the best attraction at the carnival.”

He shakes his head. “Cut the shit, Blair. I asked you a question. What the fuck are you doing here?”

I blow out a breath and shrug my shoulders. “I–”

He runs a hand through his black locks and takes a step toward me.

I’m trying to find the words but my brain is not firing on all cylinders. Instead it’s sputtering and backfiring and I’m fucking stuck.

“You can’t just come here. We had a deal. One night. One night, and then you go back to your princess castle, and I move on with my life.”

Heat rises to my cheeks, and not the good kind of heat.

“What if I don’t want to go back to my castle, Jackson. What if that one night with you made me realize that I can’t fucking stand being that girl anymore?”

He throws his arms outwards and looks at me like I’ve just said the most ridiculous thing he’s ever heard. Like I’ve just told him I was abducted by aliens or brainwashed by the government.

“Jesus, fuck. This is why there are rules, Blair.”

Now I’m the one flailing around like a mad woman.

“To hell with your rules, Jackson! It’s not like you followed them anyway. I can’t stop thinking about you, about what we did. I can still feel your hands all over my fucking body. Your mouth on my skin and your cock filling me up. You’re like a goddamn parasite that’s leeched its way into my brain and it’s killing me!”

For once I’m the one shutting him up. He’s completely speechless.

“I don’t want it to just be one night. I want to feel like that over and over again. I want you to break me apart until there is nothing left of the girl I used to be. I’m not done fucking playing the game, and I don’t think you are either.”

I wait for him to give me any sort of indication on how he’s feeling about my little declaration, but he gives me nothing. Instead he stands there, gawking at me like I belong in one of the sideshow acts.

“God, Jackson. Say something.”

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