Page 62 of Blaire

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I tell him that I need to go to the Cayman Islands. “As soon as possible.”

“What?” He runs a hand through his black hair, frowning. “Why?”

“All my money is in an offshore account there,” I tighten my arms over my chest, “and the only way to access it is to take it out in person.”

He still looks confused, though he's trying to save face, giving me this awkward smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. “You don't need any money, Blaire. Maksim can sort his debt.”

I shake my head. “He'll have to go to his boss for that much money, who will want to know what's going on.”

A pulse near Charlie's temple starts throbbing. “Then he’ll have to explain.”

“Maksim won't do that,” my voice comes out deceivingly smooth. “His boss will be fuming that he almost started a war with the Albanians over a girl. He won't risk that.” Though I have more to say, I stop talking, watching Charlie's cool facade slowly dissolve.

“Then I guess he'll have to reap Tatiana's wrath.”

I shake my head once. “I won't let Maksim suffer her wrath.”

“Why not?” he sounds like he's gradually losing it, his eyes a little wider. “It's not your job to protect him from his dense hobby of raping girls. Maybe he deserves a comeuppance.”

I cock my head. “It is my job to protect him, actually.”

Charlie minces his teeth together. “How'd you have that much money? And how the fuck do you have access to more money than Maksim does?”

“That's none of your business.”

As if I'd tell him Tatiana vetoed Maksim's finances for five years due to his overspending? Any money that goes through him goes straight to her.

Charlie raises his eyebrows like he usually does to summon an answer, but I say nothing. I don't have to give him the ins and outs of my life. The deal he made with Maksim was for my body, nothing else.

“Why'd you bow to Maksim when you've got money, physical and intellectual skills, and beauty? Shouldn't it be the other way around?”

“I don't expect you or anyone else to understand me, Charlie,” I say. “Are you going to lend me your car or what? I need to go as soon as possible, as I just said.”

“You...” he points at my feet, his eyes flashing with clear loss of control, “...are to be here with me for three months. I shouldn't even be letting you come on jobs with me, let alone fly to another fucking country!”

“Oh, don't even go there,” I say with bold conceit. “We both know you tricked me into believing you were doing me a favor by letting me come today, so you can stop taking the moral high ground.”

“Moral high-” he doesn't finish with whatever he's trying to say, just glares at me, his nostrils flaring.

“Calm down, Charlie, before you have a stroke.” I smirk at him. It's quite entertaining seeing him on the verge of boiling over for once. “Don't worry, while I'm gone you won't be alone. I'll get you a nice girl to keep you company for a few days—a nice Russian girl who won't mind being sodomized,” I sound bitter as I say that but I am.

It seems I've hit a nerve because Charlie shuts his mouth, the muscles under his jaw contracting.

We're quiet for a few seconds, staring at each other, the atmosphere thick with tension. I'm not going to break the silence.Hecan. It's his fault.

“I'm not doing this with you, Blaire,” his tone comes out ice cold. “If it's an apology you want for last night, then fine. I'm sorry. If I hurt you I never meant it—I told you this morning that I didn'twant tohurt you.”

“You could've fooled me with your pathetic attempt at scaring me.”

He scowls at me. “Attempt at scaring you?”

“Yeah,” I step up to him, “you know, when you agreed that you were going to do terrible things to me.” I've no idea where my daring has come from, but I'm not backing down.

“I said that to put you in your place.”

“And drugging me? Was that okay'because you could'?” I mockingly repeat what he said about his reasons for saving Arjana.

“No, course it's not,” he says through clenched teeth. It's like he's sucking on a lemon—men like him don't apologize, but I will admit it's good to hear.
