Page 61 of Blaire

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“Jesus, calm down, Blaire,” he lifts a wary, defensive hand at me, “I'm not abusing her.”

“Then why do you have her?” I speak through clenched teeth.

“I sent her to Mexico because she said she didn'twant tostay in Europe.” He shrugs with one shoulder, withdrawing his hand. “I've sorted her out with a place to live and enough money to keep her comfortable until she can work.”

I'm gawping, absolutely baffled. “But... why? Why would you do that?”

He looks at me from the corner of his eye. “Because I can.”

What a smug motherfucker. Yeah he's done a good deed but why does he have to season it in arrogance?

“Aren't you worried Robert will discover it was you who took her?” I say. “He only has to ask around, you know, anyone who is anyone was at that party.”

Charlie laughs with mockery. “Everyone who was there that night has been briefed and know that if they say anything about my presence, they'll not only have the Albanians on their asses, but me.”

I don't know what to say anymore, or how to feel about what he's just done—using me, and the fact that he's clearly saved that girl—so I don't say anything at all.

“You all right?” He side-glances me.

I refuse to look at him, holding my tongue. He's the most confusing man I've ever met.

He steers onto the motorway that is chock-a-block with bumper to bumper traffic.

He reaches over and cups my hand, giving me a squeeze. “Are you ignoring me?”

I snatch away from him, staring out of the side window.

“Oh, don't sulk, Blaire.” He gently pushes my hair back over my shoulder. “I know I used you but it worked in our favor, and as for the girl, I've no desire for her—I just wanted to help her.”

I don't utter a word. In silence, I fester in my own thoughts.

“Okay then,” he says softly, flicking on the radio. “Silence it is.”

I'm quiet throughout the entire journey back to his house, which is three fucking hours long given the traffic.

Lately, it feels like someoneup therereally hates me.


We pull up on Charlie's driveway at just shy of six in the evening. I'm thirsty, hungry where I haven't eaten for over six hours, and I'm still simmering over the fact that Charlie just used me to his advantage. But, most of all, I want to get the fuck away from him for a while before I explode. I can't take how many different personalities he has.

I step out of the car, slam my door shut with noticeable anger, and head straight for the house.

“Blaire...” Charlie calls out, sighing, “c'mon... You can't really be that mad at me?” He jogs up beside me and stops in front of me so I can't go inside the house without forcefully moving him. “If Robert found out Maksim definitely had a hand in fucking that girl, I cannot say what might've happened. It's better this way.”

I cross my arms, looking at his chest, my aggravation like a living thing in the air between us.

“I have to say, I never imagined you'd sulk.” Charlie hooks a finger under my chin, forcing our eyes to line up. His are glowing with fond amusement, I guess because he feels like he's breaking me down... revealing my layers...

“S'all right, though,” he smirks at me, “I think it's kinda cute.”


“I need a car,” I say in a blank manner, “and a phone so I can call Maksim to arrange a plane.”

Dropping his hand to his side, he glowers at me. I knew that would get him.

“Why?” he asks.
