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A tickle of indignation started to agitate in her chest.

It was time to do things differently.

But how?

She was no private investigator. If the police hadn’t been able to make any progress over the last twelve months, how could she expect to do so? But then, they didn’t have as much invested in the outcome as she did. Whilst what had happened to her had terminated her career and destroyed her reputation – and lost her employers a great deal of money – that paled into insignificance compared to the other crimes that had taken place in the capital that day, and at least no one had been injured, or worse, died!

Nevertheless, she had to be more proactive. She had to beseento be pursuing the truth because she had nothing to hide. It would be difficult, but nothing worthwhile was ever easy, and she had to accept that running away could have given the impression she was in some way connected with what had happened. She needed to come up with a plan of action, but before she did that, she had to be honest about what had happened and the part she had played in it, and she couldn’t do that sitting outside the airport.

With a spurt of determination that shocked her, she abandoned her coffee and made her way to the taxi rank, giving the driver the address of the gallery before her new-found courage failed her.


She had just alighted from the taxi and was making her way through the archway when her phone started to buzz. Smiling wryly – her sister always did have immaculate timing – she perched on the wall outside a souvenir shop and swiped her finger across the screen.

‘Hi, Amber.’

‘Holly called. I’ve seen the article. Are you okay?’

‘I’m fine.’


‘Well, not fine exactly, but I’m not a sobbing mess either. Ambie, I’m sick of running away. I’ve decided to do things differently this time.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I’m going to ask Katerina to meet me at the studio. I’m going to show her the article before someone else does, and I’m going to explain what happened. Did you see what the reporter said? That someone should warn her about letting me work at the art gallery? I need to put her mind at rest before she freaks out.’

‘Suzie, it’s okay. You don’t need to do that.’

‘Yes, I do, I really—’

‘I’m sorry, I should have told you. Katerina knows.’

‘She knows about the article?’

‘No, she knows about what happened at the jewellery shop.’

Suzie gulped. ‘All of it?’

‘Yes, all of it. Actually… don’t be mad… I told her when I came back from getting you settled in Blossomwood Bay. She’s my best friend, Suzie, she saw how upset I was, and… well, it all just came tumbling out.’

‘Okay. So, what you’re saying is that Kat had no problem with me coming over to Santorini to take over from you at the gallery, even though she knew that I—?’

‘Of course not! I keep telling you and telling you, Suzie, you, and Carmen did nothing wrong! Katerina knows that, too.’ Amber paused. ‘I might have told someone else, too.’


‘As well as Tom.’

Suzie groaned. ‘Who?’


‘Oh my God! What must he think of me?’

‘I wish you’d stop saying that; Giorgos didn’t think anything! I know how awful it must have been for you, Suzie, I really do. It’s a truly terrible experience to have to go through, and most people are sympathetic about the effects such an incident would have on those involved and they are angry on your behalf about the soul-destroying things you had to endure afterwards.Everyoneis on your side! In fact, the only person I can think of that blames you, apart from you yourself, that is, is Adam, and you know what I think about him.’

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