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“Shelby’s worried about the new batch of chickens,” Trisha tells me as I hold the door for her to go in ahead of me.

Pulling it closed with one hand, I immediately reach for her with my other. Our lips meet and there’s no doubt that her hunger matches my own. Looking around, I make sure that there’s no one else in here and I spot the ladder that leads up to the loft.

“Follow me,” I sign to her, putting my shotgun and supplies down next to the door.

She lets out a giggle the second she realizes where I’m leading her, but she doesn’t hesitate when I motion for her to go up the ladder first.

There aren’t any comfortable options up here like I had, naively, hoped for, so I shed my coat and motion for her to lie down on it. That’s when my second problem occurs to me, I don’t have a rubber with me. I sign that to her and she reaches her arms up to draw me down to her.

“Will you settle for a good, old-fashioned make-out session?” she asks, and I answer by pressing my lips to hers.

Even through our layers, the feel of her body responding to my kisses gets me worked up past what I’ve ever experienced before. Easing up from the deep kiss we had sunk into, I lightly press my lips over random areas around her face until she stops me by putting her hand on my cheek and really looking at me.

“What are you planning?” she asks me, concern evident in the tight line her mouth has taken.

“There were some men at the gate today, Trisha.” I breath out a long breath. “They didn’t have any supplies with them and one of them acted wounded. Russ and I are certain they were testing us.”

“You’re going to town.” Her words come out as a statement. “Alone.”

“Yes, it’ll be easier that way. I’ll go before dinner and wait until tomorrow night to return. Will you take care of Sara for me?” I ask, my resolve starting to slip when I see the fear in her eyes.

“Jace hasn’t come back, what makes you think you will?” Her words almost sound like an accusation, but I can’t get past the sudden welling of tears in her eyes.

“Because, I think Jace wants to be there, but we can’t ignore the possibility of a threat. Not when strangers are coming up here to check our fences and security.” I speak slow and clear, refusing to use my hands. Supporting my upper body weight with one arm and caressing her cheek with the other is a much better use for them right now.

“Since I can’t change your mind, I’ll agree to take care of Sara on two conditions,” she states, giving me the closest version of a glare that I’ve seen from her.

“I’ve learned not to agree to anything, until I’ve heard the terms,” I tell her after a second of her silence.

“Wise man. First, you have to promise to do everything you can to get back here, even if you have to swallow your pride. Understood?” The first term I can live with, so I nod my head. “The second one’s gonna freak you out, so don’t agree to it until you get back.”

My eyes widen at this, but I’ve gotten used to how plain-spoken Trisha is, so I wait her out.

“I don’t know if I love you, but I think you’re a decent man,” she says, and I chuckle. “This world isn’t what it used to be, so hear me out. I’ve always wanted to be a mother. I’m more than happy to act as Sara’s stepmother, if that’s what you want, but I’ve always wanted a child of my own. The way I see it, nowadays, if we want something we have to reach for it quick and that’s what I’m doing.”

“Reaching for me?” I ask, I try to keep the smile off of my face so she won’t misinterpret what I’m thinking, but I want to confirm that she wants me for more than her dream of a baby.

The smile she gives me is a mix of tenderness and hope. I lean in and press my lips against her forehead, before rubbing my nose against hers.

“I agree to both of your conditions.” Those words come easily, and I feel my heart thumping loudly as I wait on her response.

“No, you were supposed to think about it first,” she replies, squinting her eyes at me for disobeying her.

“I never once looked at Sara’s mom and thought, ‘Oh, she’d make a great mother’,” I tell her, placing my thumb over her lips. “You take care of everyone around you. Your smile makes me smile even when I’m worried about twenty other things. I don’t regret being Sara’s dad one bit, and I know I have room in my heart for another child. Especially one with you.”

With those words, Trisha leans up to kiss me and while I was planning to go down on her moments ago, that changed with her request. Every time she has straddled me and ridden my cock, I’ve wished I was bare inside of her and I’m not going to miss my chance now, or when I return.

As our tongues stroke and circle each other’s, I slide a hand down to undo my pants and feel her mimic my actions. It’s too damn cold to remove any other layer When we pull apart, Trisha is giggling, and I know it was silly to continue to kiss her when we need to move things along.

“You’re sure?” I ask her, kneeling between her thighs and rubbing my finger along her slick entrance. Finding her clit with my thumb, I continue to prepare her for my dick and enjoy the low moans she lets out.

“Please,” she purrs, reaching for my cock and guiding it toward her body.

“Someday, we’re going to get around to some serious foreplay,” I warn her.

Considering, I need to get a move on, we really don’t have time for much, but I still seem to enjoy it more than she does. Trisha enjoys the act, alright. She’s been very vocal each time we’ve been together, but the cramped spot we find ourselves in today doesn’t give me the room I need to lean in and kiss her, which is how I typically swallow her moans.

Today, I have one hand supporting myself on the floor and the other on a hay bale. The second I hear someone yanking the door open with exaggerated force, I put one hand over her mouth and look over my shoulder; wondering who has just entered the barn.

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