Page 99 of Covert Risk

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Glancing at the clock, he reluctantly eased Lila out of his arms. She didn't stir and after he’d slipped out of bed, he carefully tucked her back in, then took another moment to admire her and how right it looked to have her in his bed.

His team would be here any minute, still he stooped to press his lips to her forehead, letting them linger there, breathing in her soft scent.

Since he hadn't wanted to make her uncomfortable, instead of sleeping in a pair of boxers like he usually did, he’d slept in sweatpants and a t-shirt. When he’d offered Lila one of his t-shirts to sleep in instead of her pajamas, she’d quickly agreed, and he’d caught her holding the shirt to her nose, breathing in his scent when he’d come back from the bathroom before they’d both climbed under the covers.

Surf hoped being wrapped in his clothes and then in his arms gave her a measure of safety. A security blanket of sorts.

Damn, he loved the sight of her in his clothes.

With a last kiss, he quickly changed into jeans and a clean shirt and headed out of the bedroom, quietly closing the door behind him. Just as he entered the living area of his apartment, he heard movement at his door.

Wanting to open it before they knocked, he hurried over and swung it inward, leaving Arrow standing there, his fist in the air, prepared to knock.

Arrow grinned. “Morning.”

“Lila’s still asleep so you guys need to be quiet,” he said in way of a greeting.

“How’s she doing?” Piper asked as everyone ushered into his place, taking seats on his couches.

Surf dragged his fingers down his face and dropped into an empty spot at the end of one sofa. “She’s hanging in there but had nightmares last night.” When she’d woken him whimpering and crying out in her sleep, knowing she was suffering in the one place he couldn’t be there for her, it had left him feeling so helpless. Almost as helpless as being trapped in his own dreams, where he’d been powerless to save the woman he loved as he watched her get raped over and over again.

“It’ll take time, Surf,” Mackenzie said, her eyes full of empathy.

“You’ve got a strong woman there,” Julia added from where she was nestled on Domino’s lap. “And she’s got all of us.”

“Damn straight,” Bear said.

His team’s unwavering support was why he admitted, “I had nightmares too.” Part of him expected his friends to laugh that off, tell him he had Lila back and it was time to focus on the future. He didn't know why given that no one who served in the military like they had, or did what they did with Prey, escaped without the odd nightmare.

“I had nightmares after Mackenzie was almost killed by her brother,” Bear readily admitted.

“I think my nightmares were worse than Phoebe’s or Lolly’s after they were taken,” Mouse added.

“Lolly definitely bounced back the quickest,” Phoebe said, rubbing her swollen stomach. “I hope this little one has as much spunk as that kid does.”

“Domino and I both still have nightmares about his brother,” Julia spoke up, earning her a scowl from Domino. “They know you’re human, Dom, like the rest of us mere mortals.” She rolled her eyes then laughed and kissed her fiancé’s cheek. “Even superheroes have nightmares, Surf.”

“After what I did to Piper when we first got together, I was terrified my nightmares were going to come back and I'd wind up killing her,” Arrow said softly, his arms reaching out for Piper who quickly moved closer, pressing her body up against her fiancé’s.

“But we got through it together,” Piper said, likely as much for Arrow’s benefit as for his. “You and Lila will get through this too. You have each other, you have all of us, it will take time, but you will get there. Have you made an appointment for her to speak to a professional? I'd be happy to do it if she needs me.”

Surf reached out to take Piper’s hand and squeeze it. “Thanks for the offer, but I called Dr. Devereaux this morning and made an appointment for Lila for tomorrow. Today she just needs to rest and start rebuilding her strength, so she can have the surgery she needs on her ankle.”

“Good.” Piper looked completely satisfied. “She was great with Antonio, and I know you guys all liked her. She helped me too. I think knowing all of our history she’s the perfect person for Lila to talk to.”

There was a clunk in what sounded like the bedroom and Surf immediately jumped to his feet.

“That better not be my stubborn woman trying to get herself out of bed,” he grumbled as he stormed off in the direction of the bedroom. When he’d carried her into the room last night, he’d made it clear he didn't want her walking around and causing herself pain.

She’d walked on that broken ankle more than enough.

The thought of her in unnecessary pain was too much for him right now.

“What exactly do you think you're doing?” he growled as he opened the door to find her hopping about trying to put clothes on.

Obviously, he caught her by surprise because Lila tried to turn but lost her balance. As she fell, her arms windmilled as she tried in vain to catch herself.

Instead, he flew across the room and caught her just before she hit the ground.

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