Page 8 of Covert Risk

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“Okay,” she said, not sure what else to say. There was no reason for them to be rude to her, not even if Christian had told them who she was. And why would he? She was nothing but a warm body for him to use to satisfy himself. Get the high he claimed he needed to cope with being hurt badly a few months before they met.

Standing awkwardly by the desk Lila waited, twisting her hands together. This was hard enough as it was without having these suspicious looks thrown her way. If she had ever imagined having a child, this was not how she thought it would be. The father wanting nothing to do with her, ignoring her, likely either outright ridiculing her and telling her he didn’t believe the baby was his, or just downright disinterested.

She wasn’t sure what would be worse.

“Lila.” At the sound of Christian calling her name, she turned to see him striding out of the lift. Only he didn’t look like the man she had been getting to know. That man had been sweet, funny, and kind. This man looked cold and unfeeling, exactly what she suspected he looked like when he was on a mission to take down bad guys. Is that how he saw her? As some bad guy he had to get out of his life.

It sucked that her stupid, traitorous body reacted to Christian’s as he came to stand before her. How could she still be attracted to him when she knew he didn’t care about her at all?

Hardening her heart and reining in her hormones, Lila straightened and gathered her courage. She might not feel confident right now, but she was an expert at acting like she had everything together even when she didn’t.

“We need to talk,” she said.

Christian shot her a mocking smile. “Nothing left to talk about, babe. I told you it was over, and I don’t appreciate you coming to my work to try to see me. I didn’t answer your calls or texts for a reason. I didn’t want to hear from you.”

She did her best not to wince at his harsh words. It would be so easy just to turn, run, and keep her secret. Chances he was going to be happy to find out about his impending fatherhood were slim to none. But she hadn’t come here for him. Or for herself.

The only reason she was here was for her child.

When her baby was old enough to ask about its father, she wanted to have truthful answers to give. She didn’t want to have to tell her son or daughter that she hadn’t told their father about them.

“If you don’t stop calling and texting, I’m going to take out a restraining order, and I won’t hesitate to have you locked up if you break it.”

His harsh words made her flinch.

How had she ever thought she was falling in love with this man?

Goes to show how a man would do anything to get himself sex.

Lila would have thought she had already learned that lesson, obviously she hadn’t. This was a lesson that would stick though. She would never trust a man again. Not that she would have time for dating, she’d be raising this little one alone because no way did the man standing before her want any part of being a parent.

“I don’t want to see you again, Lila.” Christian nodded to the security guard who stepped up and grabbed her elbow, pulling her toward the door.

She wasn’t going until she’d done what she came here for.

Jerk or not, Christian Bailey was the father of her child, and he would know that this baby existed.

“I haven’t been calling and texting because I want you back, Christian,” she said. “I’m pregnant. You have a right to know that I’m carrying your child even if I do think you’re the world’s biggest jerk and not who I would have chosen to father my child.” Reaching into her bag she pulled out the pregnancy test which she had kept because she knew Christian would want proof, along with the results from her doctor when she’d gone in to confirm the pregnancy.

Yanking her arm free from the guard’s grip, she shoved them at Christian then turned and walked away, head held high.

He knew the truth. Whatever he decided to do with it was on him.

Chapter Three

November 14th

9:48 A.M.

I’m pregnant.

I’m pregnant.

I’m pregnant.

Lila’s words rattled around inside his head, stuck on a loop.

Surf couldn’t have been more shocked if Lila had walked in today to tell him that she was actually part polar bear.

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