Page 7 of Covert Risk

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November 14th

9:32 A.M.

Okay, you can do this.

It’s not that hard.

Not that hard.


Because walking into a man’s place of work and informing him he was going to be a father was an absolute piece of cake.

And the fact that the man had zero feelings for her and had ignored her numerous attempts at reaching out to tell him made it oh so much easier.

Insert massive sarcasm there.

Lila knew Christian wouldn’t be happy to find out that they were having a baby, but she was not going to cut her child’s father out of its life. Christian deserved to know, but more than that, her child deserved for his or her father to decide for himself if he wanted to be part of their life. She was keeping this baby. She wanted this baby and was already falling in love with it. If Christian wanted no part of its life, then it would be because he chose not to be, not because he didn’t know.

While she definitely hoped he wanted to be involved because it was a terrifying prospect to think about eighteen years of child-raising she would have to do alone, she was prepared to go this alone. Chances were, Christian wouldn’t be thrilled. For him, their relationship had just been about sex, he hadn’t caught feelings like she had. But she hoped that even though he didn’t care about her, he would be willing—maybe even happy—to co-parent with her.

Prey Security was an imposing building, and Lila couldn’t deny she was anxious as she walked through the front door.

There was a security guard who threw her a glance as she headed for the reception desk. It was unnerving to be so closely watched, but she had nothing to be ashamed of, she hadn’t done anything wrong. On the contrary, she was trying to do the right thing. It wouldn’t be fair for her to keep the baby a secret and take away Christian’s choice. They had both made this baby growing inside her, and if he wanted no part of it, he would have to tell her that to her face.

“How may I help you?” the young woman at the desk asked as she approached.

“I’m here to see Christian Bailey.”

Surprise flickered in the woman’s eyes, along with a dose of wariness. Lila had no idea why. Had Christian told them not to let her see him if she turned up here? That seemed extreme. She was hardly some lovesick stalker, she was just trying to do the right thing in completely unexpected circumstances.

“Is he expecting you?” the woman asked.

“No. He’s not, but it’s very important that I speak with him,” Lila said. She noticed that the security guard had sidled closer and his hand was resting just above his weapon.

What was going on?

This was crazy.

They were acting like she was some sort of threat.

Lila got that Christian worked for one of the best security companies in the world. No doubt his work was extremely dangerous, but she was just a woman he’d had sex with, she was no threat at all.

“Is he here? Can I see him?” she asked, her nerves growing.

The receptionist shifted her gaze to the security guard, then nodded slowly. “I can call him and ask him to come down. Your name is?”

“Lila. Lila Angeletti.”

“Does Mr. Bailey know you?”

“Yes.” There was no point in saying more than that. For whatever reason, these people thought she was here for some sort of nefarious purpose. It didn’t matter why, and in some ways it was true. While her motives were good, she was about to upend Christian’s world in a way that could never be undone. Even if he chose not to be part of their child’s life, he was still going to be a father. Nothing would change that.

While the woman got on the phone the security guard hovered nearby, his attention focused on her. Did she really look that dangerous? As far as she could tell there was absolutely nothing threatening about her. She was wearing white jeans and a pink sweater, her coat was a darker shade of pink, her boots were black, and her hair hung loosely around her shoulders. She looked like pretty much every other woman in the city.

“Mr. Bailey will be down in a moment,” the receptionist informed her, voice borderline cold and rude.

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