Page 75 of Covert Risk

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Just a destiny she had tried so hard to avoid.

A destiny that kept coming for her no matter what.

“Of all the caves you could have crawled into you picked this one. Practically did my work for me,” Zara continued gleefully, and Lila saw that Zara and the bodyguard were behind her in the cave.

Zara had that right. Of all the caves she could have collapsed outside of, it had to be the one where the woman who wanted her dead was hiding out.


Sometimes you just couldn’t fight the universe’s plans for you.

Her future was now sealed. She’d be killed and used as a weapon by Zara to put her plans in motion. Lila accepted that, all she hoped was that Christian knew she’d done the best she could.

“Your stupid boyfriend and that team of his keep messing everything up. I don’t know how he did it, but he escaped his cell, got you out, and killed most of my men.” In the shadows of the cave, Zara looked positively evil. There was something in her eyes, something unbalanced. It was like Kristoff Mikhailov’s evil insanity had somehow rubbed off on her.

Zara took a step toward her. Lila was too tired to even make an attempt at shifting away. The bodyguard had a weapon in his hand, one which was aimed directly at her. There was no way she was lucking her way out of this, and fighting her way out was completely impossible.

“But they won’t stop me from killing you.” Zara smirked and reached out to tug on a lock of Lila’s messy blonde hair. “Nothing is going to stop me from …” The woman trailed off as they heard the sound of voices nearby.

“I didn’t think she could make it this far.”

Relief hit her hard.


That was Christian’s voice.

“She’s tough,” someone else said. Arrow. She was sure that was Alpha Team’s medic.

“Not arguing about that, brother, but you didn’t see the shape she was in. She’s faced everything like a champ, no complaints, walking on that ankle for hours, but she was close to tapped out,” Surf said.

“Don’t give up on her,” Arrow said.

“Never.” The strength in Christian’s voice sent an infusion of strength through her. If he hadn’t given up on her then she couldn’t give up either.

Lila opened her mouth to scream, but a hand covered her mouth.

Not to be deterred, she sank her teeth into the palm, and Zara hissed and snatched her hand back.

Before she could suck in a breath and scream for all she was worth, Zara’s voice whispered in her ear.

“You scream, and Aleksei here kills them. He was Kristoff’s right-hand man you know, he’d love nothing more than to shoot your precious boyfriend. In fact, he’s been waiting for an excuse to do some damage to the men who murdered his boss. Do you want to give him that excuse?”


The answer to that question was simple.

There was no way she would risk Christian.

Not for anything.

Not even for a chance at saving her own life.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, she pressed her lips together and listened as Christian and Arrow’s voices faded into the forest leaving her alone with two dangerous lunatics.

Destiny sucked.

Chapter Nineteen

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