Page 18 of Covert Risk

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Lila scrambled out of the car, and he followed her out her door, not wanting any distance between them. He hated being forced into this position, but he had no choice but to take her out into an ambush they would likely not survive, but at least this gave them a chance.

Snatching Lila into his arms, Surf ran, knowing they’d never make it.

The blast would be big enough only to take out the immediate area around the vehicle. He could see where the men had positioned themselves but knew he’d never make it there in time.

He was mere yards away from safety when it hit.

Curling his body protectively around Lila’s he prayed that she and the baby would survive. Surf would give his life in a heartbeat for theirs, but he had no control over what happened next.

They were both lifted into the air by the concussive blast and then slammed down again into the concrete.

The world began to fade to black, and Surf’s last conscious thought was that once again he had failed.

Failed the woman he loved and his unborn child.

* * * * *

November 15th

6:19 P.M.




Lila felt so heavy.

Like her blood had been turned into concrete.

Pain drummed through her head, and when she tried to blink open her eyes, she found everything around her was fuzzy.

There was an insistent humming that felt like a bug trying to burrow inside her brain, and with a horrible realization, Lila found she was on a plane.

The world spun around her, making her nauseous, and instinctive fear for her baby yanked her out of the fog she was engulfed in.

Memories flooded her mind. She had been about to spill her secret to Christian when all of a sudden, their car had been hit. Men had been shooting at them, and then they’d put a bomb on the car. Christian hadn’t told her that, just to get out of the car, but she knew from what she’d been told that Kristoff Mikhailov had used bombs, and these people were carrying on his plans.

Plus, she remembered the terrifying sensation of being lifted into the air and slammed back down into the ground.

Christian had done his best to protect her, but the force of the blow had knocked them both unconscious.

She knew that because unconsciousness was the only thing that would have prevented him from saving her.

Was he dead?

At the thought, her breathing quickened to the point she was hyperventilating, and the world began to spin around her all over again. The spinning seemed to get faster and faster until it felt like she was on a carousel, and it wanted to throw her right off.

“Would you shut her up? That panting sound is annoying,” a female voice snapped. Was this Kristoff Mikhailov’s Dark Beauty? The woman and her vow of vengeance was the reason that Christian had broken things off with her so Lila hated her for that fact alone.

“How exactly do you expect me to do that?” a male asked. There was something familiar about that voice. Something that had the churning in her stomach growing worse.

“I expect you to figure it out,” the woman growled.

“Fine,” the man huffed, and through her blurry vision, Lila saw him rise out of the seat opposite hers.

He was coming toward her.

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