Page 95 of Wilder Ever After

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I froze in place, looking between Marge riding around on the swearing, shouting officer and the freedom of darkness just the other way ... the freedom of darkness that held God knows what and went God knows where. Then I looked back to my widows, staring at me wide-eyed and shocked.

No. I couldn’t leave them. I wouldn’t leave them.

“Run, Sylvie!” Marge screamed again.

But instead of running, I just lifted my hands up. “I’m not running. Stop fighting, Marge. It’s okay.”

“Get off me!” the officer shouted, giving one good shoulder twist that finally dislodged her. Marge hit the ground with a grunt.

“You blew it!” Marge kicked the dirt. “I had him! You could have made it!”

With a soft shake of my head, I responded with the truth, as hard as it was to say. “Marge. It’s over. We’re busted. I’m missing my wedding. It’s time we just accept it.”

The officer pointed his gun at Marge, and finally, she lifted her hands and rose. “I could have held him.”

He glared at her, leveling his gun to her head. “And now I’m holding you. Put your hands behind your back.”

Marge didn’t fight this time and instead turned her back toward him and crossed her wrists.

He slipped his gun back in the holster and then slapped the cuffs on her. “Anyone else gonna give me trouble?” His angry gaze passed over the rest of us standing defeated.

“No, officer,” we echoed in defeat.

“Good. Now, Iwasplanning on taking you to the station to try to work this out without having to detain you, but now, thanks to the assault from your little friend here, you’re heading straight to the detainment facility.”

“And now we’rereallygoing to prison. Nice work, Marge.” Alice sighed.

“You can’t hold us long. We’re Americans! We’ve got rights!” Marge grunted as he pushed her up the embankment.

“Yeah, yeah. If you were Americans, then you wouldn’t have run. They’ll figure out what to do with you.”

The last of the fight drifted out of me as I marched behind Marge, glancing back to see Alice and Doris filing along after me. Even though I could have made it to freedom, I would never leave them behind. No matter what lay in front of us, at least we would face it together.


“USA! USA! USA!” Margechanted from behind the bars as the guards patrolled our detention block. “I’m an American citizen! You can’t keep me out of my country! A country I was fighting for in ‘Nam before you were even a little spermy swimming for an egg. That’s right. I put in my time. I fought the war. And now you’re gonna stop me from going home? Hell no! Ibleedred, white, and blue! USA! USA! USA!”

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