Page 65 of Betrothed

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My jaw flexed. “That was the plan.”

I’d bought my office in town, and I’d purchased this property off of Judge McCormick with big plans for both that had fallen by the wayside.

“What happened?”

“I don’t… I don’t know,” I said, still searching for the answer to that question. “Eve was with Miles. Addy moved in with Ace. And I thought I’d build a house and finally start to build my life. But Blooms kept growing, and it just felt selfish to take time away. It wasn’t like I had someone in my life to move in with or start a family with… I guess I figured once that happened, I’d start building. But it never happened.”

Because I never gave it the chance to.


“Do you think Jake would like it up here?” I blurted out as my neck craned around.What the hell was I doing?Everything I told myself I shouldn’t… “There’s plenty of room to put in a pool—”

“What? No.” She shook her head wildly. “You’re not building a house for me—for us—”

“Who else am I going to build it for?” I countered and then added, “Plus, how well do you think we’re going to live in the apartment? I know there’s a guest bedroom for Jake, but the space is small, the walls are thin, and it’s in town. There’s nowhere for him to run and play—”

“The park is up the road one direction and the beach in the other—”

“Kenzie…” I groaned.

“Did you not hear him?” she demanded, the real cause of her distress bubbling to the surface. Her lip quivered violently, and she wrapped her arms around herself like she was trying to hold herself together. “I overdosed while Jake was home. He was the one… forced to call 911. To tell his father that his mother wasn’t breathing.”

She snapped her head to the side, trying to hide the tears that streamed down her face.

No.I wasn’t going to let her do this to herself.

“Kenzie.” I cupped her face and tipped it up; I wouldn’t let her hide from me. “All I heard was a narcissistic prick who plans to hold your every mistake over you—to try and keep you in his control—for the rest of your life. We’ve all made mistakes. All of us.”


“I brought you up here to show you that I need you, too,” I said quietly. Wanting her was the only thing strong enough to make me a little selfish—to make me want to carve out a life of my own. Even if her role in it was temporary. “Because if it’s up to me, I’ll never invest in my own life. I’ll let this land sit vacant until I give it along with the rest of my… everything away.”

She stared up at me. “If you’re trying to convince me that you want to build a house for me and Jake for purely selfish reasons, you’re doing a poor job.”

I let out a tight laugh. “Fine. How’s this? The walls of the apartment are so damn thin, it’ll be impossible for me to fuck you the way I want once Jake is there,” I growled.

Her eyes popped wide, my words having exactly their intended effect.

“So, you want to build the house so we can have loud sex?”

I dropped my face closer to hers. “I want to build the house because I refuse to give up making you scream my name as I’m fucking you. Inside. Outside. And I want the damn pool so I can have you float naked in it with your legs wrapped around my head while I eat your delicious cunt,” I said with a deep voice. “Is that selfish enough for you?”

Kenzie gulped. “Almost.”

“Almost?” I gaped.

Her arms twined around my neck and pulled me closer. “I think I just need to be reminded how loud I scream.”

I groaned and covered her mouth with mine.

It was a long day, and I should keep my hands to myself, but goddammit, she was my wife.Mine.

I’d gone into the kiss with the goal of being tender. Of being gentle with her after what happened today. But within moments, I devolved. My tongue dominated her mouth in deep strokes, mimicking the movement my dick would soon be making inside her.

It was getting dark—too dark for this to take long. And goddamn, if my cock wasn’t some insane kind of hard, spurred by my possessiveness of Kenzie—of my wife—that had unleashed earlier.

My hands went to the waist of her jeans. I growled, fighting with the fabric for a second before it released.

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