Page 3 of My Everything

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“What?” he muttered, snapping me out of my musings. My cheeks burned from being caught staring at him, and my eyes darted to his. His gray irises met mine, and for a moment, I felt like nothing could harm me. I felt athome. Then reality crashed down on me, and he averted his gaze just as abruptly.

“What? Nothing!” My voice came out snappier than intended. “Just tired,” I added.

He shot me a doubtful look, but let it go.

Gulping, I straightened. I wasn’tjust tired.But I’d be damned if I gave him one more reason to think less of me. I was already a burden. I refused to look like some pathetic loser who couldn’t stay awake longer than two hours in a car.

“When do we stop? I… I need some time alone.”

Marc sneered, shaking his head.

“What?” I spat. “Some people need privacy.”

He shot me a look that made me shrink in my seat. “We’ll stop when I get tired.”

A glance at my watch made my belly tighten into a knot. I had to get away from him. It was past my time. “I need to use the restroom,” I said the first thing that came to my mind. “Now.”

Marc’s grip on the wheel tightened as he muttered under his breath. “For fuck’s sake.”

I swallowed the discomfort, forcing myself to sit up straight. “Pull over at the next gas station,” I demanded in my best bossy voice.

He lifted an eyebrow in mock surprise. Then what came out of his mouth made me want to slap him.

“Princess’s true colors come out at last.”

“You know nothing about me,” I shot back before I could stop myself. “I’m not some stupid princess.”

He didn’t reply, but the judgment was clear on his face. He thought he had it all figured out. He had me categorized by a stereotype mold, based on nothing but where I came from and who my father was. I wanted to show him how wrong he was. But even if I had the energy to argue, I couldn’t tell him. My father’s order. Plus, my own dignity prevented me from rubbing the truth in his face. Let him think I was nothing but a rich brat who got everything she wanted. Let him believe the lie. Why would I care? In a few days, I’d be far away from him and never have to see his stupid handsome face again.

Marc pulled over at Circle K and stepped out of the car. Before I had a chance to collect myself, he yanked the door open on my side, almost making me fall out. A hand on my upper arm steadied me, and for a moment the contact of his warm hand on my bare skin froze me in place. When was the last time someone touched me?

“Get the fuck out,” he demanded, and I stumbled to my feet, falling into his chest before pushing off him.

He walked next to me like a shadow as we crossed the short distance from the parked car to the entrance, never leaving my side, and the mixed feelings had my mind reeling.It’s his job, I had to remind myself. He couldn’t care less if I tripped and crushed my skull.

As I slipped into the restroom stall, he stood guard outside. I locked the door, rattling the handle a few times to be sure it wouldn’t open. Fumbling through my purse, I found what I was looking for. Opening the lid that was labeled Tuesday, I emptied the tablets into my hand and gulped them down with water straight from the tap. Then I sunk to the toilet, sucking in a few deep breaths of calm before my eyes closed.

A sharp rap on the door alerted me back to the dirty little room. I blinked in the sharp light, wrinkling my nose at the smell of urine. Momentarily disoriented, I gripped the purse while my eyes flickered around the stall.

“The fuck are you doing in there?” Marc’s voice came through the door, making me scramble to my feet. Dizziness swept over me, and I grabbed the sink to steady myself as the room swam and black dots flickered before my eyes.

“Open the fucking door.”

“One moment,” I gasped, fighting to stay conscious as the room flickered in and out of focus.

When I got the lock open and stumbled out, his annoyed expression shifted to alarm. “What the—”

My world turned dark before he finished the sentence.

When I came around, I was in the car, slumped in my seat. Marc was crouched on the ground next to me, staring at me blinking up at him.

“What’s wrong with you?” he asked. “No fucking lies.”

“I—” I struggled to sit straight, looking around for my purse. It sat on the floor next to my feet. I smoothed out my skirt, pushing it down my thighs as it rose too high under his burning gaze, and scrambled for something to say. “I’m just—stressed.”

His eyes narrowed in suspicion. “You’re white as a goddamn sheet, and you just blacked out.”

I nodded numbly. It wasn’t the first time, but I hoped he wouldn’t have to see it.

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