Page 122 of My Everything

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I nodded, preparing to stand.

My father did the same. Before he straightened to his full height, he leaned closer to the glass, hissing into the phone, “Enjoy your life while it lasts.”


I fell into Marc’s arms the moment I stepped through the gate back onfreeground. Warm sunlight enveloped us, and I melted into his embrace for a few moments of comfort. I knew meeting my father like this would be hard, but I was not prepared for how much. Even after coming to terms with the betrayal and the lies, it still hurt. Maybe it always would.

“What did he say?”

I frowned, stepping away to look up at him. “It was weird…” The frown deepened. Those last words crawled under my skin like poisoned vines. The more I tried to brush it off as nothing, the more it spread, getting a bigger and stronger grip on me.While it lasts…

Was he telling me to watch my back? Did he warn me? Or threaten me?

“Kaylie,” Marc coaxed. “Just fucking tell me.”

I smiled at his impatient frustration, then made a quick decision. “He knows we were with Dom and Izzy.”

Marc frowned. “That’s it?” He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. “Why’s that weird? He’s up to his neck in this shit. He knows everyone a hell of a lot more than we do.”

I swallowed the guilt of lying to him and nodded. “Yeah, I guess. I was just… worried.”

“Hey.” He slid his hand over my cheek and into my hair. “You know I’ll kill for you. Nothing. Will. Happen.” His intense gaze made shivers shoot down my spine. No doubt he meant it, and it made me love him even more.

“You can’t say stuff like that in public,” I breathed. I stepped closer, tilting my head up to whisper in his ear. “Not without making me wet for you.”

He gave me a twisted grin. “Is that so, butterfly?”

“Take me home and you’ll know just how much.”

He grabbed my hand, making me run to keep up with his long strides as he led me to the car. He got a new one after Mr. freaking X crashed his previous one. This one was just as black. Just as big. A Chevy, I guessed, from the little knowledge I had of cars.

“Get in,” he growled, and I happily obeyed, climbing into the passenger seat.

My eyes were on him as he navigated the car through backstreets to finally fall into the heavy traffic of the highway.

“Fuck!” He stepped on the brake before slamming into the car in front of us.

I groaned.

Another traffic jam was nothing new, but the timing sucked. All I wanted after the trauma of seeing my father was to be home with Marc. To forget about the rest of the world and all the threats and scares out there. And I wasn’t joking when I said he turned me on. I still shuddered as I replayed his words in my head. Knowing that it was more than empty words made him even hotter.

Keeping my eyes on his profile, I wetted my lips. His jaw was locked tight, enhancing the sharp line and his strong neck. My gaze slid down his shoulder, across strong arms with muscles that flexed under rolled-up sleeves.

The way his jaw ticked made me smirk. He was holding back, tensing to the point of pain to keep from exploding at the traffic. His temper once scared me. Now all it did was make me want to push him further.

I reached out, laying a hand on his thigh and slowly sliding it across long lean muscles to a hard bulge straining against the soft fabric of his slacks.

“Where’s your mind?” I teased, and he let out a sharp laugh.

“Guess.” The one word made me shiver. I bit my lip, keeping my eyes on his face while my fingers playfully followed the outline of him through the pants.

“You have no idea how many times I wanted to do this while stuck in that car.” I’d had plenty of time watching him, imagining how it would feel to touch him. How he’d react. If he’d tell me to stop, ornot…

“That’swhat you were thinking about?”

“Is that wrong?”

He chuckled. “No.”

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