Page 54 of Loud Places

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Scissoring his fingers, Matty groaned into the wooden surface, shuffling his feet impatiently.

“Babe, I need you now. I’m ready.” His neediness filled the air, Austin mesmerized by the sight of Matty’s fingers thrusting in and out of his tight entrance.

“Yeah? You wanna stay like this…?” Austin raised his brows questioningly, while Matty slipped his fingers from his hole, the feeling of emptiness echoing through him.

“Yes. Like this. Exactly like this,” he whispered while he reached his hands across the kitchen island and grabbed on to the edge, arching his back, pushing his tight, pale ass towards Austin. “Now fuck me like you mean it.”

Grinning devilishly, Austin moved behind him and spread his thick fingers around Matty’s slim hips. Digging his thumbs into the skin of Matty’s peach-colored softness, he leaned in and trailed his tongue against the pale scars on the back of Matty’s thighs. As he always did when Austin touched the evidence of his father’s abuse, he reminded himself that it was over. It was finally over. With each caress and touch, the scars and burns faded just a tiny bit more. With each kiss and lick, the past disappeared into the background and then there was only Austin and Austin’s tongue and hands and breath trailing across his body.

Prodding his thumb against Matty’s entrance, Austin leaned against his back, pressing him against the smooth, cool surface of the wood. Kissing along his spine, each gentle kiss was accompanied by abeautiful, love you, my Matty,and as always tears pressed behind Matty’s closed lids. The first time he’d cried during an intimate moment with Austin, his boyfriend had thought that he’d hurt him somehow. Matty had assured him that it was quite the opposite. That with every kiss and caress, Austin was putting him back together again. Healing him. Sometimes, Austin even cried too. For the boy who’d been hurt in such unspeakable ways by hands which should have comforted him and protected him.

Slowly pushing into Matty, Austin’s strong hands linked through his own as they grabbed onto the edge of the island.

“Fuck, sweetheart,” Austin gritted, as he bottomed out, his warm breath ghosting across Matty’s damp neck. “Shit, you feel good. You always feel so fucking good, wrapped around me.”

“Austin?” Matty’s voice broke as the broad cockhead hit that spot deep inside him, which no one had ever touched besides Austin. That place which no one else would ever touch. It belonged just to him.

“I’ve got you, sweetheart,” Austin moaned as he began to pump his hips in shallow thrusts, in and out of Matty’s tightness. “I’ll always have you.”

Matty nodded as tears slipped from the corners of his eyes. “I know,” he whispered as he surrendered to the present moment. The fragrant oak beneath him, the pulsating hardness inside him and the soft cushion of Austin’s chest above him.

This is it,he thought to himself.This is what love feels like. Him and me, connected like this.And as he felt Austin’s arm snake around his waist, his large, calloused hand wrapping around his cock, his hardness thrusting in and out of Matty’s hole, a wave washed over him, pulling him under. He sighed as Austin spilled his release inside him, coating his inner walls with the proof of his love for him. He felt his lungs empty as he pushed past the surface of the water and screamed out his own release. As always, when Austin brought him to this moment, an old part of Matty drowned. Another broken part left behind on the bottom of the ocean. Bringing him one step closer to being free from the past. He knew that he’d get there one day. It might take a while, but every day Matty felt the past fading away with the first light of dawn and the first whisperedI love you, sweetheartspilling from his boyfriend’s sleep-drunk lips.


Ethan – Now

“HOLD ON JUSTa sec, man. I need to check this.” Ethan gestured at his phone which he’d just retrieved from his pocket. He felt fear grip at him as he saw several unanswered calls from his mom. He’d had the phone on silent while they’d been at the museum. They’d been headed for a coffee shop across the street. Avery had been whining about a snack for the past ten minutes, telling Ethan that he was still fatigued from the manhandling last night. Who the hell used words likefatigued?Avery, that’s who.

“What’s going on?” Avery’s brows met in a concerned frown and Ethan automatically felt his fingers tingle with an urge to rub against the worried line. That was apparently his thing now. Touching Avery whenever he had the chance. His mom had always been affectionate with Ethan and his siblings—and Matty too—but Ethan had never himself been the touchy-feely kinda person. Until Avery had blown into his life a few weeks ago, wreaking havoc on his libido—and perhaps also on his heart.

“It’s my mom,” Ethan replied, nibbling nervously at his bottom lip before continuing. “She’s called me four times already. Something must’ve happened.” Scrolling to his messages, he opened the last one from his mom.

Mom: Call me back asap, hon!

His mom never used exclamation marks. She rarely raised her voice or made a great spectacle out of things. A sense of dread settled in his stomach like a heavy stone. Not his dad. Please. That was always the primal fear in the Bishop household. That something would happen to his dad at one of the construction sites.

Ethan’s fingers shook as he pushed the callback button. Avery had moved to stand next to him and placed a warm hand at the back of his neck and Ethan automatically leaned into his touch. It felt good having Avery there, the steadiness of his breath against his right ear. The soothing motion of Avery’s fingers at the back of his neck stilling his inner turmoil momentarily.

The phone rang no more than once before he heard his mom’s familiar voice on the other end. She must’ve been outside because there was some kinda static on the line, muffling her mellow voice.

“Mom,” he nearly whispered, and he noticed the slight tremor seeping through his own voice. “Is it Dad? Is he okay?”

“Sweet pea, your dad’s fine. Nothing to worry about.” There was a brief pause on the line before his mom continued, this time it was her voice that was shaking. “It’s Chief Craig. They’ve arrested him. For assault, apparently. It’s bad. Matty’s poor mother’s in the hospital... They had to airlift her into Waco. The whole town’s one big chaos of state police and news stations.”

Ethan looked at Avery who searched his face, blue eyes spilling over with concern. For just a second, Ethan leaned his forehead against Avery’s, settling himself, then he picked up the conversation.

“Is she okay?” He knew that it was a ridiculous question. No one was really okay if they were in the hospital. And no one rarely got out of an altercation with Matty’s father without at least some broken bones. Matty could vouch for that. Ethan could, too. He’d seen all the bruises over the years. The devastating aftermath of yet another run-in with Chief Craig splayed across his best friend’s frail body.

“She will be.” That’s all his mom said as she sighed into the phone. “She will be.”

“What about Matty’s father? Where’s he?” It’d always felt weird to Ethan when he spoke the wordsMattyandfatherin the same sentence. That motherfucker had never been a father in the sense that Dan had been to Ethan. He’d never done anything remotely kind or considerate to earn the title. The word always tasted bitter on Ethan’s tongue whenever he spoke it about the Chief of Police in Eden.

“They took him into Waco this morning. Deputy Wilson stopped by a few hours ago. He thought you might wanna know since you were perhaps still in contact with Matty…” His mom huffed before she continued, “Strange after all these years that he still seems to think that you know exactly where Matty is.”

“Yeah, well I kinda do. What did you tell him?”

“What I always tell him, sweetheart. That Matty’s gone and that he wouldn’t have to be if all those darn cowards down at the station hadn’t turned the blind eye to what their SOB of a boss was up to for all those years.” The edge to his mom’s voice left no doubt that she meant every single word which had just spilled from her peach-colored lips.

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