Page 53 of Loud Places

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“Yeah,” Matty shrugged. “Didn’t see that coming, that’s for sure…” He’d had a blasting headache since the conversation with Wilson—thrown into this limbo of disbelief that Wilson wasn’t there to arrest him and the concern for his mom.

“Come here,” Austin drew him against his broad chest, smelling of the ocean and safety. He was safe. Matty tried to wrap his head around the fact that it was over. He could finally breathe without fear of being found. He could close the door behind him which had been ajar ever since he’d left Eden three years ago.

Austin kissed the top of his head. The same simple, yet powerful gesture had become their thing. A mere kiss on the top of Matty’s blond head of hair, while he kissed Austin’s collarbone in return.No one’s here to take me away.He let the words settle in his chest, a soothing balm to his heart which had been beating frantically for the past couple of hours.No one will ever take me away.

“You tired, sweetheart?” Austin mumbled against his hair. They’d eaten a dinner of random leftovers at Will and Millie’s place after Wilson had left, but Matty hadn’t been hungry. As if the message hadn’t reached his stomach yet that it was okay to relax now.

“Yeah… I guess so…” He released himself from Austin’s embrace and brushed a hand through his hair. “Do you think I should go back?” A glimpse of worry flashed across Austin’s face, his gray eyes darkening slightly, and Matty immediately offered him a weak smile. “I don’t mean go back for good, dork,” he grinned. “I mean, do you think I should go see my mom? See with my own eyes that she’s okay?”

Austin relaxed his shoulders and exhaled, the storm in his eyes settling again.

“I think it would be a good idea. To go see her. I mean, she’s your mom. And he won’t be there…” Austin trailed off, stroking his fingers through Cassie’s soft, red fur. She sat between them, looking from Matty to Austin and then back again, probably listening for words, she would recognize likedinner, walk,orball.

“Yeah, I guess, you’re right. It’s just…”

“What, sweetheart?” Austin smiled softly. “You know, I’ll go with you, right? And you don’t need to have everything figured out now. We can go in a few days or when you’re ready. Hell, we can go tonight, if you want to.” Austin looked around their living room and laughed. “I’m sure Dad can water our plants and we can bring Cassie.”

Matty couldn’t help laughing, too as he looked at their sad excuses for house plants. Millie had brought them when they’d moved in, but neither of them exactly had green thumbs. Funny how it worked. You could wake Matty and Austin up at 3 a.m. and they could gut a fish. But the simple act of watering a plant seemed an unsurmountable task even between the two of them. Then again, they were only young men, and they were in love. There was little room left in their hearts and minds for much more other than the boat, Cassie, and when they could get naked again.

“Do you think we can go next week? I think I still need some time to wrap my head around what’s happened. That I can actually go back now. That my mom can maybe be part of my life again now that my father’s out of the equation.” Matty glanced at his boyfriend who nodded and worried his lower lip in concern.

“Do you…” Austin looked at the hardwood floor beneath their feet, his sneakers scuffed at the tips. “Do you wanna tell her about us?” he whispered. Matty smiled, leaning his forehead against Austin’s.

“Of course, babe. Of course, I’m gonna tell her about us.” Trailing his fingers down Austin’s solid chest, he winked. “I couldn’t hide how I feel about you, even if I tried.”

“Yeah, me neither… But do you think, she’ll be okay with it?”

“Yeah, I think so. Well, she better be because I don’t think how I feel about you, about us, is gonna go away any time soon.” Matty shrugged. “Do you?” His voice showed just a slight hint of uncertainty.

“Fuck no!” Austin blurted, a confident smile plastered across his handsome face, cheeks flushed pink from the ocean wind and the events of the day.

“Fuck no!he says. My man, always the poet,” Matty shook his head in mock surprise. That was the thing about Austin. He never failed to make him smile, to make any worries or concern evaporate like morning dew giving way to the first rays of sunshine. It wasn’t that Austin made all the bad stuff go away—it was simply that he made the good stuff stand out by his mere presence. It was impossible to stay sad or scared when you had someone like Austin in your corner.

“Hey, you know me,” the bastard winked, “fisherman by day, poet andloverby night.”

“Jesus, you’re just so full of yourself, aren’t you?” Matty pushed at his shoulder teasingly.

“Yeah, maybe…” Austin tilted his head, contemplating his next move. “What about you, sweetheart? What are you full of?”

Matty laughed, his chest expanding from the mere sight of the smug look on his boyfriend’s face. “Right now? Nothin’. Pretty fucking empty…” He sighed deeply, moving towards the kitchen island, suggestively running his index finger along the wooden surface.

“Empty, huh?” Austin breathed, his voice coming out strained as he moved towards Matty. “Well, what are we gonna do about that, Matty?”

Matty stretched his hands along the edge of the island, licking the corner of his mouth, a breathy moan escaping him. “Well, we never got around to christening this gorgeous piece of wood…” Skating his hands across the surface, Matty rested his right cheek against the polished oak, wiggling his ass irresistibly.

“Fuck, sweetheart,” Austin cursed, as he came around the island, leaning against it, taking in his boyfriend’s delectable ass, covered by a pair of tight, worn jeans. “You know, I’ll fuck you anytime anywhere when you look at me like that.”

“Promises, promises,” Matty whined, an impatient pout on his full lips.

“Hey, you brat, I always keep my promises,” Austin grinned, as he smacked Matty’s ass playfully. A broken gasp spilled from Matty’s lips as Austin soothed the sting with his palm. Leaning in, he whispered in Matty’s ear. “Get ready for me, sweetheart. I feel like watching you.”

Red hot heat immediately shot through Matty’s body, setting his face on fire. He knew Austin loved to watch him get himself ready for him. He got off on it, watching Matty moan and whimper while he opened himself up to take Austin’s cock. Pushing the bottle of olive oil towards Matty, Austin leaned against the island, crossing his arms in front of his chest patiently.

Standing straight, Matty slowly started unzipping his jeans, a glint of trouble in his lust filled eyes. Pulling down his pants and boxer briefs in one lazy movement, his hard cock sprung free and strained in Austin’s direction. Austin started removing his own t-shirt, the sight of his smooth, tanned chest always pulling a needy sound from Matty’s lips. Reaching for the bottle of oil, Matty poured a large amount onto his fingers and bent over the kitchen island as his hands reached for his ass cheeks. Leaning his head on the wooden surface, eyes on Austin, he spread himself open with his right hand. The fingers of his left hand coasted teasingly across his hole, and he felt it clench in anticipation beneath his touch as he hummed with need.

“Jesus, Matty, you’re so fucking hot like that.” Austin hurried to remove his pants and black briefs, his large, rough hand immediately clutching his hard length. The thick mushroom head was already glistening with the evidence of his desire and Matty automatically licked his lips, longing to dip the tip of his tongue into the satiny slit and scoop up the taste of Austin. To feel his tangy flavor explode on his palate as he swallowed down Austin’s liquid lust.

“That’s it,” Austin gritted out as he continued to stroke himself languidly, his right hand squeezing his cockhead with each upturned stroke, his other hand pulling at his heavy balls. “Fuck yourself, Matty. Imagine it’s my cock fucking your hole, getting it nice and ready.” Sweat erupted on Austin’s forehead, trailing down his temples, a concentrated frown between his brows. He was fucking stunning like this, words of excited encouragement bursting from his lips while he continued to fuck his own fist.

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