Page 47 of Loud Places

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It was a strange type of calm that always settled deep inside him, reaching all the way into his bones like a tranquilizer, when Ethan fucked him. Everything except for the softness beneath him, the hardness inside him and the iron hold around his throat had ceased to exist. The entire world had gone silent except for his own moans and Ethan’s grunts and delicious words. His mind had gone blank the moment Ethan had pinned him to the mattress and started slamming his thick cock into him unapologetically. All thoughts were chased away and replaced by the stinging sensation of Ethan splitting him in half, his strong hand holding him in a fierce grip by the neck.

The fact that he had found his sexual match in a nineteen-year-old guy from West Texas was unfathomable—and terrifying. Because the more time they spent together, the more evident it became to Avery that Ethan wasn’t just his match sexually. They were good together in every way that mattered. Intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. He’d always had difficulty connecting with others and the fact that it happened to be someone nine years younger who finally managed to break through his carefully constructed shell, amazed Avery. Then again, Ethan wasn’t your average nineteen-year-old.

“Look at you,” Ethan spat out, an edge of admiration to his deep voice. “Look at your needy little hole sucking me right in. You don’t have any shame at all, do ya?”

Another moan escaped Avery’s lips. He fucking loved when Ethan praised him—even if the appraisal was wrapped in layers of demeaning words. If Ethan just continued to talk to him in that affectionate tone, he could call Averyslut, bitch,andcum dumpany day of the week. Being stuffed to the brim by Ethan’s fat, punishing cock was the best fucking feeling in the world. How was it that the first person ever to recognize what he needed was this enigmatic farm boy from small-town USA? How was it that there always seemed to be this unspoken intuitive agreement between them thatthiswas what they needed—craved—from each other. It made no sense but still it made more sense to Avery than anything had in a long time.

Fuck all the expectations and the academic bullshit of his world. Fuck his parents and their pseudo-intellectual friends. Fuck his mother and her extramarital activities with an endless row of nameless students and her husband’s colleagues. Fuck his father and his cowardly retreat from the world. There was nothing left except for this ball of need deep inside him, when Ethan fucked him ruthlessly into the soft Indian cotton sheets.

In one smooth movement he was flipped on to his back and Ethan’s sweaty face appeared in front of him. Cheeks flushed, freckles bursting through drops of sweat, he was nothing short of spectacular. A work of art. Grinning wickedly down at Avery, he licked at his bottom lip suggestively, a lock of damp hair spilling into his sea-green eyes.

“What’s it gonna be, baby? You wanna choke on my dick or is that slutty hole of yours still hungry?” He winked cheekily at Avery, his age clearly showing through his boyish features. His muscular arms resting on each side of Avery’s damp hair spilling on to a cream-colored pillow. Avery swallowed and felt a delicious burn at the back of his throat. Then he tentatively clenched his hole and winced. Yeah, he’d been wrecked pretty good.

“So, what’s it gonna be, my sweet, sweet Avery?” Ethan smirked, before he leaned down and bit at Avery’s left nipple, the sting spreading like a fire across his heaving chest.

“My mouth,” Avery forced out, his words fading into a needy moan. “I want you to fuck my mouth. Please.”

“Your mouth, huh? You think you’re up for it? You think you can take me?” He nodded at Avery’s mouth. “Open up. Show me. Show me that hungry throat of yours. If it deserves to choke on my cock and drown in my cum.”

Avery slowly parted his lips and stuck out his tongue, his hips lifting from the mattress of their own accord, seeking friction. His neglected cock was painfully hard, but he was nowhere near reaching his limit. He could go on for hours if Ethan needed him to. If there was anything Avery knew by heart, it was how to control himself. To delay the pleasure. Everything felt so much better if you earned it.

Slowly, Ethan moved along Avery’s slick body until his hips were right above Avery’s face, his thick thighs straddling him. He slapped his cock against Avery’s chin and cheek a few times, precum spilling on to his flushed, oversensitive skin. Sticking out his tongue, Avery caught a few stray drops and licked his lips hungrily.

“You remember?” Ethan asked, while he stroked himself lazily, the smell of sweat and male musk hanging heavily in the air between them. Avery scrunched his nose in question, his mind momentarily blank, before it dawned on him what Ethan meant.

“Tap your thigh if I want you to stop.” His blue stare didn’t leave Ethan’s and he couldn’t resist rolling his eyes.

In one swift movement, Ethan’s right hand had him by the throat in an uncompromisingly firm grip. His green eyes gleamed predatorily.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me, baby. I’m not gonna allow you to choke on my cock unless you respect the ground rules.” Raising one eyebrow at Avery, he squeezed even tighter, making it hard for Avery to swallow. “Do you? Do you know the rules, Avery? Are you gonna follow them?”

He nodded eagerly and a softness appeared in Ethan’s eyes. Briefly they were just Ethan and Avery again, until the wicked gleam reappeared.

“Good. Now open wide. Show me that pink tongue of yours. Show me how good you are at taking my cock.”

Avery once again parted his lips and opened wide, sticking out his tongue while Ethan began feeding him his thick hardness. As soon as the fat head hit the back of his throat, the calm returned, like a deep, cool ocean wave pulling him under. Breathing through his nostrils, Avery let go. His body wasn’t his anymore. It now belonged to Ethan. Only Ethan. Tears started spilling from his eyes in a steady stream to the repetitive rhythm of Ethan’s hips moving back and forth above him. Every time the cockhead hit the back of Avery’s throat, he dove even further into the deep blue of the ocean. The stillness surrounded him and as if through a layer of cotton, he recognized Ethan’s deep voice.

“Fuck, baby. If only you could see yourself now.” Sweat dripped from Ethan’s chest onto his face with each thrust of his hips. “You look so fucking beautiful, Avery, stuffed full of my cock.” Ethan’s praise elicited a deep grunt from him. “One day, I’m gonna film you so you can see yourself through my eyes. So fucking stunning, baby, your lips stretched wide around my cock. Taking all of me, my sweet, little Avery.”

Avery’s lids fluttered closed, and he feasted on the words spilling non-stop from his young lover’s mouth.Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.In that moment, lying beneath Ethan, choking on his cock, tears trailing into his hair, he felt beautiful. A mixture of saliva and precum smeared across his chin and halfway down his neck, the evidence of his and Ethan’s combined arousal. All layers were peeled away, and it was only his true self which remained. Naked and exposed. In unguarded submission. Yet, more at peace than ever. It was in this complete surrender to his lover that Avery felt freer than ever. And that fucking scared him because in a week, Ethan would be gone. And so would this feeling he’d been chasing all his life.


Matty – Now

“SOME DEPUTY FROMTexas’s been asking around about some Matthew Craig person. Wilson, I think his name was. You know this fella, Matty? Your names Carter, ain’t it?” Mr. Olsson looked at him questioningly and Matty swallowed before nodding.

“What did he want?” Matty had a sinking feeling that he knew exactly what the deputy wanted. Well, it’d been good while it lasted, hadn’t it? When he first came to Grant’s Harbor, Matty hadn’t expected that he’d be able to run from his past so easily, let alone stay hidden in this little far-off corner of the world. He’d been able to make a full life for himself for three years—with the help of Will and Millie. And now Austin.

Shit!The thought of leaving Austin was one thing but having to tell him the truth—that was something else entirely. Because the truth was devastating and would threaten the life they’d built together. The life they were still building.

“He didn’t say. Just that he had some urgent family matter to inform you… sorry, this Matthew Craig about. I told him, I don’t know anyone by that name around here. I think he went down to the docks to ask around. He seemed to be adamant about this Craig person being in Grant’s Harbor.” Mr. Olsson trailed off as he took in Matty’s pale complexion and panicked eyes. “Son, what’s going on? You look like you’ve seen the ghost of a ghost.” Mr. Olsson reached out his right hand and squeezed Matty’s shoulder in quiet reassurance. He’d always liked Mr. Olsson. Matty would miss him when he left.

“Yeah, better face the music,” Matty murmured to no one in particular, while he smiled weakly at the old bait shop owner. “Thanks Mr. Olsson,” he continued as he held up the bag of dried fish treats for Cassie.

They hadn’t been part of the stock that Mr. Olsson carried at the shop but after he and Austin had gotten Cassie, he’d started selling a small selection of dog treats.Cassie. Well, at the very least he wouldn’t leave Austin all to himself. At least he had Ray and Cassie.

“No worries, son,” the older man smiled as he released Matty from his comforting hold. “You say hi to that young man of yours.”

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