Page 31 of Loud Places

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“Yes…” his voice shook as he nodded furiously. “Yes, I do.”

“Say it,” Ethan spoke as his left hand connected with Avery’s left ass cheek, a loud smack resounding through the deserted alley, interrupting the rain momentarily. “Say it!”

A hiss escaped Avery’s lips.

“I taste like…” he shifted on his feet. “Ethan, please.” Another smack tore through the rain like thunder. “I taste like your little slut,” Avery whispered.

“You do, don’t you?” Ethan replied as he rose to his feet. “Now, let’s see if you can come like one, too, baby.”

Spitting on his fingers, Ethan spread some around Avery’s hole. He was still loose from their afternoon fuck fest, where Avery had straddled Ethan’s lap and fucked himself repeatedly on Ethan’s hand, his hungry hole easily swallowing four of Ethan’s fingers. Avery sobbed while his hole clenched impatiently.

“Just fuck me already!” Avery blurted. “I’m fucking dying here, Eth.”

Ethan couldn’t help laughing. The desperation of Avery’s voice spurring him on, appealing to his dominant side.

“What do you say, Avery? What do you say to deserve my cum dripping down your crack?” He slapped his hardness against Avery’s pink hole, eliciting a gasp from him.

“Fuck you!”

“Nu uh…”

“Eth, c’mon!”

“Aww, you forgot, baby? That’s just too bad. Your starving, little hole all nice and ready for me and you forgot.” Ethan bit his lower lip, holding back a grin.

“Please! Just get me off already, pretty fucking please!”

“There you go,” Ethan coaxed, as he slowly fed Avery his thumb, while he wrapped his other hand firmly around Avery’s weeping cock. “Shit, baby you feel so good like this. All needy and pathetic, swallowing my fingers like a good little slut.” He plunged another finger into Avery’s sloppy hole.

Avery shook beneath him, water cascading across his rippling back muscles, his forehead leaning against the brick wall.

“Harder, Eth. I need it really hard this time. Please.”

Leaning his torso against Avery’s wet back, Ethan squeezed Avery’s length even tighter and started pounding his fingers into his tight heat, pulling a string of expletives from Avery’s lips. From the back of his mind, the words from the song coursed through him, a monotonous soundtrack to the repetitive thrusts of his hips against Avery’s plump ass.

But then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn’t ask.He felt tears pressing behind his lids as he bit down on Avery’s left earlobe.Driving in your car I never, never want to go home.Exhaling deeply, he felt his balls tightening, as his cock continued to grind against Avery who was mewling nonsensical words against the wall.There is a light and it never goes out.

“Take me there, Eth,” Avery whispered. “Please.”

Withdrawing his fingers forcefully from Avery’s hole, he instead wrapped his hand around his neck. Avery’s skin quivered beneath his touch, and he squeezed tighter as he continued to slide his cock between Avery’s slippery ass cheeks. Avery’s globes tightened around him and as he squeezed his throat even tighter, he felt the familiar tremble of Avery’s body beneath him as he came, pulling Ethan with him.

While they both slowly came down from their orgasm, rainwater dripping from their sensitive bodies, the words continued to flow through every vein and every bone of Ethan’s blissed out body.There is a light and it never goes out. There is a light and it never goes out.He must have said it out loud because Avery laughed as he wiggled his ass.

“Morrissey fan?”

“Shut up.”

They laughed most of the short walk to the motel, running in the rain, holding hands. After a quick, hot shower, they finally threw themselves down on to yet another lumpy motel bed. Tomorrow they’d be sleeping in the tent again, under the trees and the stars. He couldn’t fucking wait to walk through the forest, Avery smiling at him as they explored yet another X on the map. One day closer to hopefully finding Matty. He felt torn about getting to Maine as soon as he could and drawing out these last few days on the road before they reached Boston. Before they went their separate ways.

Pushing back the thoughts, he pulled Avery even closer against him, his chest against Avery’s back, his heavy leg wrapped around his slim hip. Sighing deeply, Avery tangled his fingers through Ethan’s and pulled his hand against his lips. Kissing the knuckles softly, his warm body resting against Ethan’s, he whispered sleepily into the darkness.

“You’re the light, Ethan. You’re the light.”


Ethan – Now

“I WANT TOsay hi to your mom,” Avery reached out his hand, grabbing for Ethan’s phone.

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