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At first, the large beast didn’t seem like he was going to take the fruit, but then it swiped it quickly from Theon’s outstretched palm. The first horse whinnied in displeasure. “Relax, Absko,” Theon chided. “I have one for you too.”

When the horses appeared satisfied, Theon returned to the horse Tessa still sat upon. He slung the bag over his shoulder, then flicked his wrist. Shadows appeared, winding around her again. They weren’t as rough as when they’d ripped her out of the tree, but it still took everything in her not to scream as they lifted her from the horse.

When her feet hit the ground, she stumbled a bit at being on her feet again, but Theon caught her. His hands on her hips, he waited until she was steady, then one hand clamped onto her elbow.

“Can you take Kacela and Rigel to the kennels and make sure they are fed and given water?” Theon asked Luka.

“I can,” Luka answered slowly, eyeing them both.

“Thank you. We will see you tomorrow for a late breakfast. Say mid-morning?”

Tessa started. No. Luka had to be there tonight. He wouldn’t leave her to deal with Theon on her own, would he?

Luka was quiet for a long moment before he finally sighed. “Are you sure you do not want assistance tonight?”

“That won’t be necessary,” Theon answered curtly, tugging her along beside him as he headed for the door. “We will see you in the morning.”

Tessa swallowed thickly while Theon led her through the garden paths and back to the house. He clearly knew the area well, but she stumbled along in the dark. She’d been dreading this moment. Not facing Theon and whatever consequences he may dole out for her trying to leave. But stepping back into this house? Two silent tears tracked down her face when Theon opened the door for her and motioned for her to enter first. His lips thinned when he noticed the tears, but he said nothing, following her through the side door of the east wing.

She dragged her feet as they climbed the stairs and went down the hall to Theon’s suite. The wards pulled back, recognizing Theon, and he tugged her through the door. Axel immediately stood from the sofa.

“Thank the gods you found her,” he said, coming over to them. Theon had finally released his hold on her and was removing his jacket and boots.

“Yes. Kacela and Rigel were exceptional as always,” Theon replied.

Axel was looking at Tessa, worry filling his emerald eyes. “Do you need me to do anything or…?” He trailed off, his gaze flickering from her to Theon and back again.

“No,” Theon answered, pulling his shirt from his jeans. “We are having a late breakfast tomorrow. You are welcome to join us mid-morning.”

“Is Luka coming back tonight?” Axel asked cautiously.

“He is not,” Theon said, crossing to the kitchen and pulling a bottle of whiskey from the liquor cabinet. “I need some time with my Source to discuss some things,” he continued, pouring the liquor and taking a sip.

Tessa flinched back at the words.

My Source.

Not her name.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay a little longer?” Axel pressed, clear trepidation lining his features as he cast another worried look at her.

Tessa could have kissed him for trying.

“Good night, Axel,” Theon said firmly, glancing pointedly at the door. “Thank you for everything today.”

Axel gave Tessa a pitying look before he scooped up his phone and a sweatshirt and left without another word. Tessa stood rooted to the spot where Theon had left her. Her sneakers were muddy, and her clothing was just as filthy. Her hair was a mess from the ride back, and her face was tear-stained from the events of the last two days. She didn’t move as she waited for the barrage of questions and demands she was sure were coming.

What was she thinking?

Did she really think this would work?

Where did she think she was going to go?

How did she get past the wards?

Why couldn’t she simply obey commands and rules?

Why couldn’t she fall into line?

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