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Arius House came into view as they crested a small hill, and Tessa sucked in a breath as they slowed the horses. The wolves panted, clearly as tired as she felt.

“We better walk the rest of the way,” Theon said to Luka, speaking for the first time since he’d hauled her out of the tree. “The hounds need to rest.”

“They did good work today,” Luka commented casually. “It’s been a while since I’ve hunted with them.”

Tessa huffed. Hunted. She’d been hunted today. The arm that Theon still held tightly around her tensed at her disapproval.

“I thought of taking two of the younger ones, but I needed my best trackers,” Theon replied.

Luka shrugged as he considered. “True. You should bring a pup out with Kacela some time though. He’d learn from her.”

“Valid point. That is how Rigel became so skilled. I don’t get out as much as I used to.”

They rode in silence for a while longer until Luka said, “You know that Absko and Eyal are going to be upset they were left behind today, right?”

Theon huffed a laugh. “It isn’t as if we could each ride two horses.”

“They won’t see it that way,” Luka muttered. “They’re going to be a handful for the stablehands until you take them out.”

Theon was quiet for a few seconds before he said, “Maybe in a few days I can get back down here and take them out. However, the next couple of days are pretty full.”

“Is that right?” Luka asked with exaggerated curiosity.

His tone snagged Tessa’s interest, and she glanced at Luka, startled to find him staring straight at her. She quickly looked forward once more, swallowing nervously. The pace was more of a stroll now, and she was very ready to get off the horse and out of Theon’s arms.

She jolted as the bond punished her for such a thought. It had been happily humming away for the last two hours. She’d forgotten the brutality of the thing that she’d dealt with most of the day.

“What’s wrong?” Theon asked. She felt him dip his head to speak to her.

Refusing to look over her shoulder at him, she answered shortly, “Nothing. I’m fine.”

“Then what was that? Why did you jump?”

She pressed her lips together and ignored him.

Before Theon could press her for an answer, Luka spoke again. “What’s made your next couple of days so full, Theon?”

Theon sat up straighter. They had reached the paths of the gardens, and he turned the horse towards what Tessa assumed were the stables. “You know damn well why my next couple of days are so full,” he said.

“I do, yes. But does she?”

Tessa stiffened. She didn’t want to know what she had to do with Theon’s next couple of days.

“She will find out soon enough,” Theon replied.

Nothing else was said until they reached the stables. Theon slid down, landing gracefully on his feet. He dropped to a knee, leaving her atop the horse while he praised his wolves for their excellent tracking. They rubbed against him, licking his hands and face, and Tessa couldn’t help but wonder how he’d trained wolves.

Luka had dismounted as well, untying a bag, and handing the reins off to a stablehand. “Make sure they get rubbed down well. They were worked hard today.”

The Fae nodded, and as he led Luka’s horse away, a loud huffing sound came from a pen. Another massive black horse stuck his head over a gate and began knocking on his stall with his hoof.

“Told you,” Luka said pointedly to Theon.

Theon breathed out a laugh as he untied something from the saddle Tessa was still stuck in. How long was he going to leave her up here?

“Hold him steady,” he said, handing the reins to another waiting stablehand. She watched in dismay as he left her there and strode over to the disgruntled horse. As he approached, yet another horse stuck its head out, huffing directly into Theon’s ear as he passed by. It was as if the horse had planned a surprise attack.

“Hey, now,” Theon scolded, but his tone was anything but upset. He pushed the horse away by his nose. “I’ll take you out soon. I promise.” The horse huffed again, and Theon reached into the bag, pulling out an apple. “Peace offering?”

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