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Moira nods. “I know we didn't discuss numbers, but let me know what I'll owe you for this.”

Owe me? “Moira, you don't owe me a damn thing. I'm happy to do this.”

She glances up at me with a look of appreciation. “That's too kind of you. Thank you.”

She takes a step toward the house, as if she wants to go inside and look.

I reach in my pocket and pull out the little box. When she realizes I'm not by her side, she turns around and I drop to one knee. “I know you are against marriage and it is absolutely not your thing. And I don't want to pigeonhole you into something you're not interested in. But it doesn't feel right not to tell you exactly how I feel and what exactly I want from you.”

Her eyes widen.

“You're the woman of my dreams and I absolutely love you. I want to spend every night going to bed beside you and every morning waking up next to you. You make my dull, boring life feel alive and full of excitement again. Will you marry me?”

She freezes like a deer in headlights, and I almost feel bad for her.

What? I meant what I said. It doesn't feel right to not tell her exactly what I want from her. I don't want her to ever guess where I stand or what I want.

I'd rather be completely honest and for her to walk away than her to walk away and me to have never told her the truth.

Maybe this was a stupid move trying to marry someone who's against marriage, but it still feels right. Still, as the seconds of silence stretch into minutes, I feel nervous. I expected her to say yes or say no or say something, not just this absolute overwhelming quiet.

I'm sure it doesn't matter to her, but I open the ring box.

She doesn't even look at the beautiful princess cut diamond with the long emerald cut diamonds around the center stone that look like a sunburst. I chose this ring to symbolize that she is the sun of the center of my universe.

She finally seems to realize she's supposed to be doing something right now, and she smiles. “I don't think I can say yes right now. So I'm going to say maybe. I have changed my mind about a lot of things over the last several months, so maybe with a long engagement I might change my mind about this too.”

My heart should be sinking, but it's not. I'm the happiest I've ever been as I leap to my feet. And winding my arms around her, I pull her in for a kiss.

She's perfect for me and I can't wait to start our lives together.



I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life. Like, really happy.

I'm sitting next to Michael at Raina's wedding rehearsal dinner, listening to her gush about her fiancé, Tanner. I can tell by the shining faces around her that his whole family is happy for this union and that I was wrong. Nobody seems the least bit uncomfortable.

Michael's hand finds my thigh under the table, and I give him a smiling sideways glance.

It had been a little strange to tell Raina that I had a plus one this time through, and even more strange to tell her who it was. She and Valerie had both demanded that I tell them the entire story, and I had. They both hung on every word and are so incredibly happy for me that I can't believe that I wasn't happy for Raina in the beginning.

Having their support means everything, and the fact that they didn't question me makes me realize how important it is to just be a good friend, even if I feel like I'm right.

I glance up at the smiling bride and groom to be. I can tell by their shining glances at one another and smiles, they're so in love. I also know that they're perfect for each other.

Raina’s gaze meets mine and I smile and nod, feeling genuinely happy for her. She smiles back, giving Michael a significant glance.

If I didn't know any better, I would swear that she’s silently telling me I told you so.

Honestly, I don't mind admitting that she was right.

I'm also so happy that she found love. She deserves this happiness after everything she's been through, losing the man of her dreams, only to be lucky enough to find a second soulmate. I mean, how often does that happen?

She deserves to be happy.

Just like I am.

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