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“Well, that's easy, okay.” Moira sounds stunned that there isn't going to be a fight, and I lower the phone away from my ear and set it to speaker so I can send a quick text to my friend who will move all of their things. I get a text back almost instantly and can't help but have a smile on my face.

“Can you send me the address?” That will allow me to forward it to the movers and they'll be there soon. “I can have the movers there within a half hour.”

“Wow, that fast. You weren't kidding.”

I chuckle. “Sometimes it's nice to know people.” As I say the words, my phone chimes, and I see she sent me the address. I forward that address to the movers, feeling happy and accomplished.

“Plus, my dad's a great guy. You and your mom are going to love him, and he’s going to be so grateful for the company.” He's mentioned being lonely, and I'm glad to be able to do this for him too. “I should probably get off the phone and head over there. If that's okay with you, I can help guide the movers, or keep your mom occupied, or just be company.” I want to help in any way I possibly can. And it'll be easier to help if I'm there.

“That sounds good.”

“I’ll see you in a few.” Once again, we hang up.

My hands are shaking as I get ready to leave. And once I have my wallet and my keys, I make my way out to my car. Once again, there's an envelope on my door and I recognize Cynthia’s handwriting on the front. This time it's white, and once again I pull it down, walk over the trash can and throw it away. I'm not going to let her rope me into her drama. I'm absolutely done with her. There is nothing else she can say or do at this point that matters. Once I get the paternity test back, I can plan my next step, but for now, I'm locking her out of my life for good.

Whistling and with light steps I make my way to my car. I'm excited to see Moira again, and I love that the tone of our conversation seems to be back to normal. She hadn't freaked out when I told her that I love her. She didn’t say it back, but I didn't expect her to and that's just fine with me.

I'm sure there will be plenty of time for her to fall in love with me.

The familiar drive to her mother's house passes in a flash, and I pull into the driveway. I'm only minutes ahead of the movers, and Moira hurries out and throws herself into my arms. She hugs me tight and I hold on to her, feeling her body shake and how she takes deep breaths to calm herself.

“I'm proud of you for handling this all so well and for doing what's best for your mother.” I want her to know that she is absolutely amazing, and I don't mind how ridiculous I might sound reminding her. “You're the best daughter anyone could ask for.”

“Thank you,” she whispers.

For the next several hours, we work together to box things up and get them on the truck. The movers help too, even though that's not part of their job description and no one complains about a damn thing as we pack up and load Kathy’s belongings on the truck.

As we work I’m motivated by anger at Moira's dad. How could anyone do anything so heartless and awful to someone that claimed to love someone who's spent most of their life with them? How could a husband leave a wife with nothing for no reason other than just wanting to go? One day I'll ask Moira to shed some light on the whole situation, but right now I assume it's too tender of a topic to bring up.

I don't want to cause any more pain and confusion than they're currently facing. I'd rather be a solution to the problem instead of part of it.

And once the truck is finally loaded up, I slap the back of the truck and notice Kathy sitting in the middle of the lawn, staring at the house.

She looks like a little kid, realizing her whole life is changing. My heart goes out to her, and I walk over and sit next to her in the grass. “Seems pretty scary, doesn't it?” I ask.

She nods her head.

“I promise it'll only get better from here. That might be hard to believe right now, but I'm sure of that.”

She glances at me out of the corner of her eye. “You barely even know me. I'm so grateful for you to bail me out like this.”

“It's my pleasure.” I don't know how to tell her that I'd do almost anything for her daughter, and by extension, her. I can only hope in the future we will become a family. For now, I'm going to treat her exactly how I feel, like she is already a part of my family.

“Are you ready to go or do you need another minute?” I ask the question as kindly as I can.

Kathy glances at the house again. “I think I'm ready to go.”

I can only imagine how it feels to leave nearly a lifetime of memories behind. All I can do is find comfort in the fact that at least she'll get to make some new good memories and find some semblance of happiness after the destruction that someone else wreaked on her life.

I get into my car, and Moira and her mother load into hers. I pull out in front of them, and they follow me all the way to my dad's house. For the first time in a long time, I turn up the radio and just whistle along with the tunes. Everything in life feels like it's going to turn out okay, and that has me excited and ready for the future.

When we finally pull up to my dad's place, he's there waiting and so is the hired staff. Of course, I'd given him a heads up that we were on our way over so that he knew to expect us.

With a wink in my direction, he heads over to Moira's car. He helps Kathy out and begins to speak to her quietly as Moira makes her way in my direction. We get out of the way of the movers as they begin to take things inside under the guidance of my father.

“Well, that was fast. He didn't waste any time, did he?” Moira asks, watching her mother and my father talk before vanishing into the house. “It's a beautiful place though. I think she'll like it here.”

“I have full time staff. A cook, maids, a companion for my dad, who will also work with your mother. Let me know if there's anything else she needs, okay?”

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