Page 22 of Gauntlet

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Arlo’s mouth twisted in distaste, and hate crossed his face as Jax joined him. Intense hate shone on both their faces, and triumph showed on Arlo’s.

I stepped back as fear settled in my belly.

“Julie?” a deep voice asked, and without thinking, I spun and raced toward Gauntlet, who was on his bike.

“Get me out of here, please,” I begged as I ran towards him.

Gauntlet’s gaze snapped up at what I assumed was the approaching men, and he nodded, and I climbed up behind him. My bags smacked against his hard stomach, and Gauntlet adjusted them, which was difficult. Then his Harley roared, and we shot off.

Jax skidded to a halt as Arlo lunged for me, but Gauntlet avoided them as we headed out. Gauntlet took to the sideroads to lose them and finally stopped outside a park.

“What the fuck was that?” he demanded.

I was too panicked to lie, and the truth fell from my lips.

“My ex-boyfriend and a man I thought was a brother. They want to kill me and take Faelea.”

“Right,” Gauntlet said and typed something into his phone and started the bike again. It wasn’t until we pulled into a garage forecourt that I realised Gauntlet hadn’t taken me home. We rode through a second set of gates, which slammed shut after us, and I gazed around.

“Where are we? Gauntlet, I need to get home,” I cried as he turned the engine off.

“Ain’t taking you anywhere until I know the truth. I got brothers picking up Gran and Faelea,” Gauntlet grunted as he shunted off the bike.

He then picked me up and lifted me off.

“No, no, take me home!” I yelled in full panic mode. What if Jax and Arlo knew where I lived? They could be heading for Faelea. I gripped the front of Gauntlet’s cut in sheer panic.

“You gonna tell me the truth, woman, and then I’ll decide what I’m going to do!” Gauntlet retorted.

“Fucking idiot! You’re endangering my baby,” I screamed as men appeared from a huge building.

“Gauntlet, bring her in here,” a voice demanded, and an older guy, in his mid-forties, stood glaring at me.

I started to struggle as Gauntlet caught my elbow and started dragging me along. Another man grabbed the bags I dropped as I tried to free myself. Finally, Gauntlet had enough, and he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder and walked into what I assumed was Rage MC’s clubhouse.

Fear loosened my tongue, and I began cursing and threatening Gauntlet. A heavy hand slapped my ass, stunning me into silence. Had Gauntlet really just smacked my butt in front of these guys? Boots stomped across the floor behind us as Gauntlet carried me down a flight of stairs and into a large room. I darted for the exit, but men filled it, and Gauntlet picked me up and placed me on a chair facing a long table.

Adding to my fright, several men walked in behind Gauntlet, including the stern-faced man who’d told Gauntlet to bring me inside. Crap, the shit was about to hit the fan!

Chapter Six.


“Wanna tell me why I was just part of kidnapping this woman?” Drake demanded as he took his place. Ace sat by Drake’s right hand as Apache sat on the other side. Texas, Rock, and Fish took their places.

“Julie was running from two men. Brought her here for safety,” I replied.

“You know her?” Ace asked as he glared at Julie, blank-faced.

“Lives opposite Gran. Girl intervened when that asshole neighbour went after Gran,” I explained.

Drake stared at Julie for several long moments, his face giving nothing away. But we could easily see the panic in her expression.

“So, the scene outside?” Drake demanded.

“Good question. Something’s off with her. When Julie moved in, she had no kids, and then a kid turned up out of the blue, but it ain’t right between them. Had Mac doing a dive,” I said, and Julie’s head snapped up. If anything, she paled further.

“You’ve been researching me? You might have led them here!” she whispered.

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